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Centenarian Don Pellman, noted in the 1935 Racquet Yearbook for his high jumping skills, while a member of the 1934  La Crosse State Teacher’s College Track team. (Image courtesy of the Area Research Center, Murphy Library.)
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Centenarian alum still breaking records Posted 5:22 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 The Great Depression ended Don Pellman’s short athletic career on campus in the early 1930s. But the economy — or his age — isn’t stopping him today. Read more about Centenarian alum still breaking records Kathy Gruentzel, ’76, Park Superintendent at Gov. Dodge State Park, center, talks with Sgt. David Fish of the Wisconsin State Patrol, right, and Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch during a hike through the park last summer. Gruentzel is receiving the Professional Award of Merit from the Wisconsin Park and Recreation Association.
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Ranger Kathy Posted 5:12 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 Kathy Gruentzel, '76, helps hundreds of families enjoy traveling and camping. Read more about Ranger Kathy UWL’s LTC Jane Brannan poses for a picture with four Eagle Battallion alums at a workshop in Kentucky. Pictured from left to right, LTC Jon Rastall, LTC Richard Showalter, LTC Jerad Sutton, LTC Keven Beattie and LTC Brannan are all professors of military science in the U.S.
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Marching Orders Posted 5:11 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 Several Eagle Battalion alums are leading programs across the U.S.; another is helping fellow vets here at UWL. Read more about Marching Orders Veteran’s Day Breakfast, 2014
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Vet's Breakfast Posted 5:09 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 UWL will host the 5th annual Veteran's Day Breakfast this month. Read more about Vet's Breakfast  CBA Alumni Events Posted 5:06 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 Join us this month for events across the region for networking and a chance to support scholarships. Read more about CBA Alumni Events Hoeschler Tower
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Seeking comments Posted p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 The University of Wisconsin- La Crosse is seeking comments from the public about the university in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency Read more about Seeking comments UWL May graduate Molle Klein pictured with the wienermobile she drives across the southeast region of the U.S. as a brand ambassador for Oscar Mayer.
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Hot dog! Posted 3:45 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 UWL May graduate Molle Klein likes to say she “cut the mustard.” The marketing major was one of a dozen recent college graduates across the nation selected to become a brand ambassador for Oscar Mayer. Read more about Hot dog! UWL students presented “Money Monologues” at Aquinas High School.
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Sharing ‘Money Monologues’ with high schoolers Posted 4:19 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015 UWL students present a stage reading at Aquinas High School, sharing real stories about experiences with money. Read more about Sharing ‘Money Monologues’ with high schoolers The Hunting Ground
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Film provides insight into sexual assaults Posted 2:47 p.m. Monday, Oct. 26, 2015 A film that provides an insight into what happens when sexual assaults occur on U.S college campuses will be shown on campus. Read more about Film provides insight into sexual assaults The Dating Doctor will share his advice at UW-La Crosse  Monday, Nov. 2. 
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‘Dating Doctor’ to speak on campus Posted p.m. Monday, Oct. 26, 2015 David Coleman, who has been honored 14 times as National Speaker of the Year, will share his message and humor on dating at UWL. Read more about ‘Dating Doctor’ to speak on campus

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