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A home away from home

Posted 8 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022

UWL senior Spark Lim discussed his experiences at UWL as part of National Transfer Student Week.

Spark Lim shares how UWL has shaped, inspired him

To mark National Transfer Student Week Oct. 17-21, UWL is highlighting the stories of transfer students who have found their home at UWL. This is the third and final installment in the series.

Learn more about National Transfer Student Week.

UWL senior Spark Lim 

Major: Marketing and Psychology 

Home: People I trust are those whom I call home because they make me feel safe, even when I am far away from my family 

Previous college: American Degree Transfer Program offered by INTI International College Penang in Malaysia 


Q: What has been your experience in higher education? 

A: I started college as a first-generation student and didn't have any expectations for higher education. But my parents always encourage me as they view higher education as a pathway that I could be successful one day. So, I started my research and decided to study abroad to explore my potential. 

Q: Why did you choose UWL? 

A: The affordable tuition fee convinced me to choose UWL, but the more important question is why I decided to stay. The reason is that the resources here at UWL, such as the Office of Multicultural Student Services (OMSS), continue to support me. A group of students in the Multicultural Student Organizations (MSO) shares the same resilience and continues to humble and inspire me, especially in a predominantly white institution. 

Q: What advice do you have for transfer students? What advice would you give a first-year transfer student? 

A: Stay connected with campus resources and never shy away from opportunities. 

Q: What has surprised you here at UWL? 

A: UWL is a prominently white institution compared to other UW schools, which becomes a culture shock, especially in the classroom where I am mostly the only student of color.     

Q: Who has helped you in your transition to UWL? 

A: International Education & Engagement, OMSS and MSO have enhanced my experiences and provided the support I need here at UWL. 

Q: What would you like to do with your degree after you graduate from UWL? 

A: I would like to pursue my master's and doctoral degrees in Psychology. 

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? 

A: I would like to use this opportunity to express gratitude and honor to the people I have met here at UWL. I deeply appreciate every moment they share their experiences, resilience and stories that continue to humble and have made an extraordinary impact on me. 


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