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A lasting bond

Posted 1:24 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015

Scholarship honors long-time Chem Prof Larry Nutter

[caption id="attachment_38558" align="alignright" width="266"]Larry Nutter Larry Nutter[/caption]

Scholarship honors long-time Chem Prof Larry Nutter

Larry Nutter was humble. When people asked him what he did, he replied, “a teacher.” Those meeting Nutter wouldn’t know he was a pillar in UW-L’s prestigious Chemistry Department. Nutter’s wife, Edie, wants to change that. Edie first worked to recognize him by funding scholarships to chemistry students since he died in 2003. She’s met all those recipients — one even reminded her of Larry. Now Edie is sustaining on her husband’s legacy. She has established the Larry & Edith Nutter Chemistry Scholarship Endowment Fund to give deserving UW-L chemistry students scholarships annually. About 400 scholarships totaling about $450,000 are available through the UW-La Crosse Foundation on the scholarship website. Students can now apply for scholarships online now through midnight, Sunday, Feb. 15. Edie has made arrangements for an estate gift as well. She says her husband thought nothing was more beautiful than a mind that succeeds through education. “I thought it was the best way to honor Larry. Teaching was everything to him,” she says. [caption id="attachment_38561" align="alignleft" width="300"]Image of Larry Nutter working on a piece of equipment. Chemistry Professor Larry Nutter in his lab in Cowley Hall.[/caption] Nutter moved with his family to La Crosse from Menomonie in 8th grade. He graduated from Central High School in 1949 and UW-L in 1954. After serving in the US Army for two years in Germany, he returned with a German native — Edie, who became his bride. Following a year teaching in Cashton, he returned to Central, where he had the distinction of preparing three students accepted into West Point. He earned master’s degrees at UW-Madison in 1961 and Marquette University in 1965 He did doctorate studies at the University of North Dakota. In 1963, UW-L Chemistry Professor Milford Cowley persuaded him to return to his alma mater. Nutter stayed in the department until retiring in 1996. “He never missed a day — not a day,” recalls Edie. “He was a man who was devoted to education.” Nutter “worked for everything he earned,” says Edie. That’s why she wants to help students. “He thought education was a gift,” she explains. In his honor, she has one request of scholarship recipients: “To do a good deed for someone they don’t know.” It’s a lasting bond the late Chemistry Professor Larry Nutter continues to give. Help honor Nutter — or professors like him — who had an impact on you. Visit the UW-L Foundation website.  


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