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Alumni band marches to a new beat

Posted 6:08 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27, 2013

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The UW-L Alumni Band is reaching out to younger alumni to encourage them to join. The band is also making an effort to incorporate more marching traditions from recent UW-L graduates.

[caption id="attachment_4186" align="alignleft" width="383"]Laura Bonum and Jackie Herbers pose with instruments. UW-L Alumni Band members Laura Bonum, left, and Jackie Herbers at German Fest in Milwaukee this year. Both are on the band’s operating committee.[/caption] They are a presence of 200 energetic alums in the annual Maple Leaf Parade — performing for the community while preserving UW-La Crosse traditions. The UW-L Alumni Band has been in existence for 30 years and is growing stronger. Members are reaching out to younger alumni to encourage them to join. The band is also making an effort to incorporate more marching traditions from recent UW-L graduates. “We’re saying to young members, you’re important to us and we want to learn your cadence … your tunes,” says Dave Friedman, past president of the alumni band. Reaching out to younger alumni is a “big positive,” says Tammy Fisher, director of the Screaming Eagles Marching Band. “This is something that we need to do so that we can carry on the long-standing history and tradition that the alumni band has at UW-L,” says Fisher. “I have lot of respect for what they did back in the day and we want to continue that.” New members bring new energy to the band, says Jackie Herbers, ’00 & ’04, who is on the alumni band operating committee. “We know that more members of the band are graduating than are joining the alumni band, so we’d like to see all the graduating seniors consider marching to see if they like it and help us be the place that can help them keep their friendships going,” says Herbers. Joining was the right decision for her — not only because it rekindled old friendships. “I’ve met a number of new people and created new friendships. I’ve also gotten to know members in the community,” says Herbers. “I’m happy to be a part of the alumni band. I think I will probably do it until I’m no longer physically able to march.” [caption id="attachment_4187" align="alignright" width="400"]Members of the UW-L Alumni Band marching in the Oktoberfest Parade Route. Members of the UW-L Alumni Band of all graduation years share a dedication to supporting current members of the Screaming Eagles marching Band.[/caption] For many years the band played primarily tunes from early marching years. Stephanie Friedman, ’12, says she and her sister Jennifer, learned the traditional versions of the marching songs from their father, Dave Friedman, when they joined. But these days that teaching is going both ways. Stephanie recently shared a CD of more recent Screaming Eagles Marching Band songs and chants with Dave. “It’s cool to see how things have changed and evolved with the time,” she says. “Yet a lot of traditions have stayed the same — with only some small tweaks.” It makes for a better experience and more inclusive group when the band plays a variety of songs, cadences and chants that resonate with the diverse group, says Dave. He sees multiple sets of parents and children now in the alumni band together in addition to him and his daughters. “My parents are not in it, but my hope is that my one-year-old son will be eventually,” says Josh Anderson,’03. “My wife and I met in the college band. It was the first social experience a lot of us had in college. Once you graduate, it’s a similar experience because you get to see people you haven’t seen in years and meet up again.” Anyone who was in the marching band and wants to play again is welcome to join. Typically, alumni band members are former marchers, but the group doesn’t say no to other band alums, says Dave. “We are trying to recapture those fun times and entertain hundreds of thousands of people who line the streets,” he says. The band plays every year at June Dairy Days and the Oktoberfest Maple Leaf Parade. They’ve also more recently picked up gigs in Trempealeau and Milwaukee.

Want to join the alumni band?

Visit the UW-L Alumni Band website and sign up as a new member. Check out the UW-L Alumni Band Facebook group.

Alumni band support

Members of the alumni band of all graduation years share a dedication to supporting current members of the marching band. The alumni band funds two scholarships for present members of the Screaming Eagles Marching Band. “We care that the band program stays intact and that students who are interested in playing music have an opportunity to do so,” says Jackie Herbers, ’00 & ’04. Tammy Fisher, director of the Screaming Eagles Marching Band, says the current band appreciates the development of the scholarships and the volunteer help that members of the alumni band provided on High School Band Day when a large group of high school students came to campus for a joint performance with the Screaming Eagles.


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