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An impressive freshman class

Posted 4:24 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

[caption id="attachment_15466" align="alignright" width="480" caption="UW-L's incoming class forms an Eagle L and 2016 at the Maroon Platoon Palooza this fall."][/caption] UW-L has about 1,900 incoming freshmen this fall. What does this class look like? Higher than average ACT: 24.7 UW-L freshmen have an average ACT score that is higher than both the national and the state average. National average = 21.1, Wisconsin average = 22.1. Top 10 percent of their high school class: 26 percent *Calculated from those submitting class rank Median class rank: 82nd percentile *Calculated from those submitting class rank More diverse 9.4 percent are U.S. students of color, compared to 6.9 percent of the new freshman class in fall 2011. Average Age - 18 years old.


Will this intelligent group of freshman stick around and graduate? The chances are good. UW-La Crosse’s retention and graduation rates continue to lead those among the comprehensive campuses in the UW System. For fall 2010-11, UW-L's retention rate was 85 percent, the highest among the comprehensive campuses in the UW System. UW-L’s six-year graduation rate for students beginning in fall 2005 was 69 percent, also the highest among the UW System comprehensive campuses. Both our retention and graduation rates were second only to UW-Madison when comparing all UW System campuses. Comparing nationally, the six-year graduation rate from four-year institutions is about 58 percent. Source: UW-L Institutional Research See photos from the Maroon Platoon Palooza Download a photo of the freshman class  


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