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Archaeological mystery writer to discuss the importance of facts in fiction

Posted p.m. Sunday, April 17, 2016

Importance of facts in writing fiction.

Archaeology often serves as a backdrop for mystery novels and crime fiction. Some of the most successful stories are steeped in realism and authenticity. [caption id="attachment_45617" align="alignleft" width="245"]Mary Anna Evans Mary Anna Evans, crime novelist and assistant professor of professional writing at the University of Oklahoma.[/caption] Crime novelist Mary Anna Evans will discuss the importance of facts in writing an entertaining story during a public lecture at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, in Brian and Lori Hesprich Auditorium, Graff Main Hall. Evans wrote the award-winning Faye Longchamp archaeological mystery series. Admission is free. Evans, an assistant professor of professional writing at the University of Oklahoma, credits her training in engineering for helping her write about science for a mainstream audience. Her work has been recognized for its blend of historical accuracy, literary quality and entertainment value by numerous organizations such as the Florida Historical Society, the Mississippi Library Association, the American Booksellers Association and others. Call MVAC at 608.785.6473 or email for more information. If you go — Who: Crime novelist Mary Anna Evans What: Importance of facts in writing fiction When: 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 26 Where: Brian and Lori Hesprich Auditorium, Graff Main Hall Admission: Free


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