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Broadcast students will train on new state-of-the-art equipment

Posted 7:26 p.m. Thursday, July 26, 2012

[caption id="attachment_13631" align="alignleft" width="450" caption="Cole Gallagher, a senior Communication Studies major with a Broadcast and Digital Media emphasis, tries out new equipment in the radio facilities in the Wing Technology Center."]Cole Gallagher at the microphone[/caption] UW-La Crosse Communication Studies students will see a welcome sight when they return to broadcast classes fall semester. UW-L has invested more than $77,000 in new equipment for TV production classes, as well as the student-run TV station and radio station. “It’s definitely way better than what we had,” says Cole Gallagher, a senior Communication Studies major with a Broadcast and Digital Media emphasis. “I want to go into sports broadcasting and this equipment is similar to what we’ll be using in the real world.” Teaching in the broadcast field demands regular replacements to keep up with technology trends. The purchase includes 22 new computers, a new studio TV camera, professional editing software, a new printer and chairs. The equipment is housed in the Wing Technology Center TV rooms and radio facilities. It will be used not only in broadcast classes, but also by RAQ Racquet Radio, the new, student-run radio station, and WMCM TV, the [caption id="attachment_13636" align="alignleft" width="450" caption="Communication Studies students will practice broadcasting with this new studio camera."]New studio camera[/caption] student-run TV station. Pat Turner, assistant professor of Communication Studies, says she is grateful for the support to purchase the new equipment. That support came from Julia Johnson, associate dean of the College of Liberal Studies; Bob Hetzel, vice chancellor for Administration & Finance; Linda Dickmeyer, chair of Communication Studies; and Travis Stuckey, from Information Technology Services who served as the computer consultant. The new equipment also comes with a donation of upgraded software from NewsKing, electronic newsroom system, from Ralph King, owner of NewsKing. “This is state-of-the-art equipment and software that students will be using in the broadcast field,” says Turner. “Obviously, it enhances their learning experience at UW-L and gets them ready for a smoother transition into their first job. Broadcast is an extremely competitive field, so the stronger background you have, the better the chance you have of finding employment when you graduate.”


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