Posted 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8, 2021

Chancellor’s Service Award to recognize student volunteers
A new UW-La Crosse award will recognize students for the many hours of volunteer work they do on campus, in the community and elsewhere.
The Chancellor’s Volunteer Service Award, to be awarded annually in the spring, will recognize students for their yearly service hours at four levels, ranging from 25 to more than 101 hours. Service hours will be compiled over a student’s collegiate career, with an opportunity to receive an Eagle Achievement Award for completing more than 400 hours.
The new honor is for a number of reasons, says UWL Chancellor Joe Gow.
“We hope this will encourage even more community engagement on campus,” says Gow. “Community service helps students find a sense of belonging while learning about the community they call home during college.”
Gow says in addition to helping students feel at home in the La Crosse community, community service also gives them skills when they settle into work life.
“Community engagement helps students take ownership in the La Crosse community and gives even more pride for them being an Eagle,” he explains. “And, it prepares them for living in communities as they begin their careers.”
The awards, based on hours given to service projects, include:
- Bronze: 25-50 hours
- Silver: 51-75 hours
- Gold: 76-100 hours
- Platinum: 101+ hours
- Eagle Achievement: Over 400 hours during their time at UWL
Students can be recognized annually for the hours they complete each academic year. The “Eagle Achievement Award,” is a cumulative award, recognizing students who have completed 400 hours during their time at UWL.
Kyle Burke, director of University Centers, expects the new citations to spark students to do even more.
“We hope that the opportunity to be recognized by the chancellor for their volunteer service will encourage additional service hours,” Burke says.
Community service also helps students achieve more, Burke notes.
“Volunteer service is not only personally gratifying, it helps to engage students in their educational experience outside of the classroom, which contributes to student retention and success,” he explains. “And we know that once a student is engaged in volunteer service, they are more likely to continue to volunteer in various capacities throughout their lifetime.”

Students do a lot of great work in the broader La Crosse community, notes UWL Student Association President Jared Zwettler. He’s excited to honor the students who have been diligently volunteering.
“This program will provide a great incentive for students to get involved in volunteer projects,” says Zwettler. “I am really looking forward to seeing all the great work that students are doing in the community, and we are very excited to reward these students for their service to the La Crosse community."
Students can register for the program on MyOrgs.
La Crosse area volunteer opportunities can be found on UGetConnected, or by reaching out to local agencies interested in student volunteers. Students may compile volunteer hours in hometowns as well. Volunteer hours must be recorded in UGetConnected to be counted toward the award.