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Campus authors wanted for Celebration of Campus Authors event; deadline to apply is Dec. 10

Posted 7:06 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012

UW-L faculty, staff, and retirees who have written a book during the last five years are invited to showcase their work at the 2013 Celebration of Campus Authors.

[caption id="attachment_17450" align="alignright" width="369" caption="Faculty Emeritus William Hyde, left, chats with Faculty Emeritus Richard Boudreau, center, and Chancellor Joe Gow at the Jan. 20, 2010, Celebration of Campus Authors reception in Murphy Library Special Collections."]Authors talking with Joe Gow. [/caption] UW-L faculty, staff, and retirees who have written a book during the last five years (including 2009-13) are invited to showcase their work at the 2013 Celebration of Campus Authors. Sponsored by Murphy Library and the Provost Office, the  Celebration of Campus Authors is an opportunity for the campus community to explore and enjoy books published by campus authors from all disciplines and to learn about the writing and publishing process from experienced authors. The celebration includes:
  • A reception from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, in Murphy Library Special Collections.
  • An author's Web page for each book, providing bibliographic information, book cover image and author descriptions.
  • A display within the library of the books featured in the celebration.
Apply by Monday, Dec. 10, by completing the Call to Participate form at Information about previous celebrations is available at


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