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Campus Connection, April 15, 2013

Posted 1:05 p.m. Monday, April 15, 2013

This week's news and events.


UW-L College of Business Administration is reaccredited

CBA logo. The UW-La Crosse College of Business Administration has received another national seal of approval. The college has maintained its business accreditation by AACSB International — The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Read more »  

In this issue:

Announcements & Notices Campus Kudos UWLDining Classifieds

CLS to honor faculty, staff and students

Fall photo of Graff Main Hall. The College of Liberal Studies will honor top students, faculty and staff during its annual “An Evening of Excellence” Thursday, April 18. A reception begins at 6 p.m. in the Center for the Arts Lobby, followed by an awards ceremony at 6:45 in Toland Theatre. Entertainment will be provided by the Departments of Music and Theatre Arts. All are welcome to support friends and colleagues being honored. Read more »

UW-L summer program for teachers explores Kickapoo Valley Reserve

Photo of Kickapoo River. Area K-12 teachers are invited to earn graduate credits while exploring the beautiful and culturally rich Kickapoo Valley Reserve this summer. “The Kickapoo Valley Experience: Cultural Tour for Educators” will be July 8-12, at the reserve, which encompasses 8,600 acres of varied terrain in Vernon County. Read more »

Prof’s research on energy drinks noted on website

Details of research in graphic. A survey on energy drinks by UW-L Assistant Professor Michele Pettit has been included in an informational graphic created by, an online resource for health care information. Read more »

CLS’s Capstone newsletter shares college’s impressive stories

Capstone cover art. How did the College of Liberal Studies impact the Department of Transportation’s Hwy. 35 project in Onalaska? Where are CLS students working and learning in the community? How are changes in family demographics technology impacting the Early Childhood-Middle Childhood major? Read more»
Announcements Notices head  

LIVEMAROON and retreat artwork.Morale retreat to be held April 17

UW-L employees are encouraged to wear maroon and take a break at UW-L's ninth Semi-Annual, Semi-Sweet UW-L Morale Retreat for employees on Wednesday, April 17. The social event includes snacks and an opportunity to socialize with colleagues between 11 a.m.–2 p.m. in the Recreational Eagle Center. Employees can get a free massage, enjoy pet therapy, play Wii Sports,  walk around the track or just hang out. Campus Climate and LIVEMAROON are sponsoring the event.

Cancer benefit show set for April 19, 20

The UW-L Competition Dance and Football teams have joined forces once again to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  The teams will be performing numerous dances in Graff Main Hall for the seventh Annual Rob Wagner Cancer Benefit Show. Performances are at 5 p.m. Friday, April 19, and at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 20. Cost to attend is $5.

Sleep, dreams focus of April 19 English colloquium

English faculty member Ryan Friesen will lead a discussion on sleep and dreams in Agrippa's philosophy, Shakespeare's plays and Lovecraft's "The Dreams in the Witch House." The presentation of the English Department's William J. and Yvonne Hyde Colloquium Series runs from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, April 19, in 113 Wimberly Hall. Today "Why did I dream that?" typically means "What does the dream say about me that my brain authored that dream?" However, in early modern works when characters ask "Why did I dream that?" they are more likely to mean "How did that dream end up in my head? Where, outside of me, did it come from and why?" says Friesen. Friesen will compare the insights of 20th and 21st century science to the early modern understanding of sleep and dreaming. He will focus on dreams described in literature as mundane, non-mystical, non-prophetic experiences related to the inner life of the dreamer. These dreams, having originated within the dreamer, provide the closest overlap of today's perspectives on dreaming phenomena, he notes. The event is free and open to the public. To arrange for disability accommodations, contact or call 785.8295. For more information, visit

The Who is featured band at April 19 Album Encounters; ‘Saturn — Jewel of the Heavens’ is April public program

The Album Encounters multimedia light and laser show will feature The Who's "BBC Sessions" at 8 p.m. Friday, April 19, in 20 Cowley Hall. Admission is $4. The Planetarium’s Public Program for April is “Saturn — Jewel of the Heavens.” The talk followed by a multimedia audiovisual presentation will be at 1 p.m. Saturdays, 20 and 27. Admission is $2 for students and children and $4 for others.To find out more, contact Bob Allen at or 785.8669. See more about the Planetarium at

Donate, decorate jeans and support DENIM DAY 2013

Survivors and supporters of Sexual Assault Awareness Month from around Wisconsin are decorating denim to honor victims of sexual assault. The decorated denim will be displayed at the State Capitol on Wednesday, April 24. To donate jeans bring them to 229 Graff Main Hall by Friday, April 19. Decorate jeans from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday, April 22, at Port O' Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Art supplies will be provided. The event is sponsored by Student Life, Violence Prevention and MUASA. For more information visit: 3. Money goes to special Olympics. Winner must be present at the event to win. Thanks so much.

Project Funway artwork.Project Funway fashion show planned for April 20

Everyone can have fun with fashion. People with and without disabilities participate in the annual fashion show Project Funway. The fashion show will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 20, in near the Macy's entrance in Valley View Mall, Onalaska. The event is hosted by UW-L's Student Occupational Therapy Association and stores volunteering within Valley View Mall. Occupational therapists help people in daily activities to increase independence and prevent disability. Find out more and see photos from past events at

Silent Auction for Special Olympics to be held April 22-23

A silent auction to raise money for Special Olympics will be held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, April 22 and 23, at the Hoeschler Tower.

Christian Zionism artwork. Christian Zionism and its impact on American foreign policy public lecture set for April 23

David Wildman, executive secretary for Human Rights & Racial Justice with United Methodist Church’s General Board of Global Ministries, is the featured speaker at a public lecture at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, in the Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall. Wildman co-authored "Ending the U.S. War in Afghanistan: A Primer (January 2010)" with Phyllis Bennis. He writes and speaks on Afghanistan, the Middle East and human rights issues. From 1989-2001, Wildman facilitated justice and peace seminars at the Church Center for the United Nations and helped found United For Peace & Justice in October 2002. He helped found the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation in 2001 and serves on its steering committee. He also serves on the World Council of Churches Palestine-Israel Ecumenical Forum Core Group. The lecture is funded  by a College of Liberal Studies Inclusive Excellence grant and is sponsored by UW-L's History, International Studies and Political Science departments. For more information, contact Heidi Morrison at or 785.8345.

Women's Golf League informational, planning meeting to be held April 23

UW-L 's Women's Golf League will hold its annual meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, at the Eagle's Nest to determine the golf schedule and collect league fee of $10. The league plays Tuesdays at Walsh Golf Center. To join the league attend the informational meeting or email, or

Apply now to be a writing tutor

UW-L 'sWriting Center is accepting applications for new writing tutors for the 2013-14 school year. Applicants from all majors who have an interest in helping their peers become stronger writers are encouraged to apply. For application forms go to For more information, contact Virginia Crank at

UW-L Distinguished Alumni Awards Reception & Ceremony set for May 17; register by May 3

 UW-L Distinguished Alumni Awards Reception & Ceremony is set for Friday, May 17, in the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center to celebrate the achievements of alumni who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to their profession and communities. An hors d'oeuvre reception begins at 5: 30 p.m. The awards ceremony will be held at 6:30. Cost to attend is $25 each. To register for the event call 608.785.8489 or register online at by no later than Friday, May 3.

Parking permit registration for employees runs from April 22 through May 27; permits for parking ramp new for 2013-14

UW-L employees can purchase parking permits online at from Monday, April 22, through Monday, May 27. Faculty and staff with specialty permits will receive emails with registration instructions.
Permits for the parking ramp are a new feature for 2013-14. The first two levels of covered parking are for sale to faculty, staff and commuter students. The top level will be reserved for resident students. Two pay stations will sell temporary permits. “We’re streamlining our operations to make it easier to park on campus,” says Victor Hill, parking and transportation services manager. “The new ramp and administrative building will provide more parking options and enhance our customer service initiatives.” Changes to Parking and Transportation Services include:
  • Online permit purchases. Day, overnight and weekend permits available.
  • University department permit purchases. Departments can create accounts to purchase permits online. Blank permits will no longer be sold to departments. Contact Hill to register.
  • New parking permits design. Parking permits will have a new look. Parking ramp permits will be decals that must be affixed to vehicles. Hang tags from other commuter and resident lots will not be valid in the ramp. Visitor/temporary permits can be arranged online or at the parking office and will also have a new design.
  • Pay stations. The parking ramp will include two pay stations that offer visitors options to pay per hour for parking. All forms of payment will be accepted. Two additional pay stations will be placed on nearby streets.
For more information, contact Parking and Transportation at 785.8061 or email Hill at

Photo of pyramid. Register for summer study tour of Egypt now

Learn about Egypt in a three-week study tour from Monday, May 20, through Sunday, June 9. The  trip includes daily classes as well as visits to Cairo, Luxor, Alexandria and the Red Sea to learn about modern Egypt. Participants receive four credits including one Service Learning Credit. Cost is $3,602 not including airfare. For more information or to register contact Heidi Morrison at or 785.8345. 

Spring 2013 PeerSpectives newsletter now online

UW-L's Academic Advising Center's spring 2013 PeerSpectives newsletter is now online at
Campus Kudos artwork.   James Longhurst, History, was interviewed for the La Crosse Tribune story, "Experts debate bicycles’ impact on congestion," which appeared on April 7, 2013.  Longhurst is conducting research on the legal and political history of bicycles, and significant debates over access in North American cities, since the late 19th century.   UW-L Dining Services logo What’s Happening In Dining Services Nutrition for Fitness Now that the snow is finally melting it’s the perfect time to start or maintain an exercise routine. Nutrition is an important component of performing your best, whether it’s a quick jog or an athletic event. For casual athletes, staying hydrated and eating a well-balanced diet are essential to getting the most out of your workouts. For more serious athletes, hydration and a healthy diet are also paramount, but paying attention to the types of foods eaten, and the amount and timing of foods can help improve performance. Carbohydrate intake delays fatigue which is important when exercising. Performance is improved when high carbohydrate intake occurs a few days before activity. Generally, four to 24 hours before exercise an athlete should compose meals and snacks with 60-70 percent of the calories coming from carbohydrates. One hour or less pre-competition, the main focus is on fuel that will be quickly digested such as a sports drink, fruit or vegetable juice or energy gels. Two to three hours pre-competition, more substantial foods can be tolerated such as breads, granola bars and yogurt. Three to four hours pre-competition for lasting energy try a mini meal of sandwiches, baked potatoes, bagels or fruit. Always avoid fatty foods prior to a competition because they digest slowly. For optimal recovery after an event, consume 200-400 calories of carbohydrate such as fruits, vegetables and juices and drink plenty of fluid. The most important part of becoming more fit is actually getting out there and exercising. To learn more about nutrition contact me at Also come to my healthy cooking class at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, in the Whitney Center bakery. ClassifiedAds artwork.


Big men for focus group study. Men aged 25-55, who consider themselves overweight, can earn $50 by participating. Find out more and sign up by Wednesday, April 17 by emailing or calling 785.8202.

For sale

Trek trailer bike. Used fewer than 10 times.  All paperwork, accessories and original purchase receipt included. $100. Contact Heather Schenck at 782 0540.
Two-bedroom house at 1921 Farnam St., 1.5 miles south of UW-L. $89,000. Call 608.220.5124 before 9 p.m. or email Charlene at


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