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Campus Connection April 9, 2012

Posted 9:54 p.m. Friday, April 6, 2012

This week's news and events.

Campus Connection header.

Students to celebrate research and creativity

UW-La Crosse’s 15th Annual Celebration of Student Research & Creativity runs from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 13, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.

UW-L students selected to perform at Honors Recital

Ten students studying music at UW-L have been selected to perform in the Music Department’s annual Honors Recital

‘PolitiFact’ editor coming to UW-La Crosse

A national reporter who is editor of PolitiFact — which aims to cuts through political rhetoric — is coming to UW-La Crosse. Bill Adair, editor of the popular political fact-checking online report, will speak at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 12, in Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall. Admission is free.

Noted nuclear physicist to speak at UW-La Crosse April 12 and 13

Noted Nuclear Physicist Noémie Benczer Koller will be on campus Thursday and Friday, April 12 and 13, to talk about nuclear physics.

Steve Miller Band & Foreigner to perform at UW-L for Freedom Fest

Freedom Fest, an annual celebration of veterans and active duty service members, is Saturday, June 16, at Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex.

Woman who documented Egyptian Revolution on Web at UW-La Crosse

Yasmin Elayat will speak on “How Revolution is Changing Storytelling” at noon Wednesday, April 11, in Port O’ Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Admission is free.

UW-L college honors faculty and staff, students

UW-L's College of Liberal Studies will honor six faculty and staff, and 31 students during its annual Recognition of Excellence at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, in the Toland Theatre, Center for the Arts.

UW-L Jazz Ensembles set April 15 concert

The UW-La Crosse Jazz Ensembles will complete their concert seasons at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 15, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. The concert is free and open to the public.

Expert on Muslim children’s books to speak at UW-L’s Murphy Library

An expert on Muslim children’s books will speak on “Issues Within Children’s Literature that Represent Muslims” at UW-La Crosse.

Announcements artwork. [caption id="attachment_11136" align="alignnone" width="770" caption="Teens in the Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy took a break from touring campus to enjoy the sunshine April 4."]Photo of cadets sitting on lawn. [/caption]

Teens in Challenge Academy program visit UW-L to explore educational opportunities

Cadets in the Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy program visited UW-L April 4 to explore educational opportunities. Cadets include youth ages 16-1/2 years through 18 who are at risk of not graduating from high school, but who want to change the direction of their lives. The cadets have the opportunity to earn a high school equivalency diploma and develop the strength of character and life skills necessary to become successful, responsible citizens, says Nancy Wedwick, lead instructor of the academy located at Fort McCoy. UW-L Vanguards led cadets on a tour of campus. The group also visited Western Technical College.

Planetarium’s spring program highlights Pluto, Album Encounters continues Friday shows

The UW-L Public Planetarium Public program highlights Pluto throughout April. “New Horizons-Mission to Pluto” will be shown at 1 p.m. Saturdays, April 14, 21 and 28, in the UW-L Planetarium, 20 Cowley Hall. Admissions is $2 for students and $3 for others. The Album Encounters multimedia light and laser show features Queen's "Live at Wimbley" at 8 p.m. Friday, April 6. Admission is $3.
To find out more, contact Bob Allen at or 785.8669. Find out more about the Planetarium.
[caption id="attachment_11030" align="alignright" width="400" caption="Proposed student center design."]Drawing of proposed new student union.[/caption]

Students to vote on student center April 10

Students will receive an email invitation the morning of Tuesday, April 10, to vote online on student leadership and other issues. One is to repair Cartwright Center or to replace the 50-year-old building that has issues with plumbing, heating, air conditioning, accessibility, safety codes, a leaking roof, and flooding issues after downpours. Visit  for more information about the options.
The referendum will be included as part of the Student Senate election April 10. All students are eligible to vote.

UW-L Women's Golf League meeting set for April 10

The UW-L Women’s Golf League will have an informational organizational meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, at the Eagle's Nest on Campbell Road. The league golfs at Walsh Golf Center, 4203 County Road B, La Crosse, Tuesday late afternoons throughout the summer. If you cannot attend the meeting but are interested in golfing, contact Saundra Solum at

[caption id="attachment_11024" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Equal Rights Activist Jamie Nabozny speaks at UW-L Tuesday, April 10."]Jamie Nabozny photo. [/caption]

Nabozny to speak about bullying April 10

Motivational speaker and equal rights advocate Jamie Nabozny will share his story at UW-L at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Tickets are $2 for UW-L students, $4 for employees, and $6 for others. Tickets are $2 more on the day of the lecture. Nabozny grew up in Ashland, a small town in northern Wisconsin. Targeted in middle school for being gay, he endured years of harassment that ended with a beating so severe he required abdominal surgery with a hospital stay. He went on to win a landmark lawsuit in federal court that established rules to provide young people a safe education. The program is part of the university’s Campus Activities Board 2011-12 series. For more information, contact the Cartwright Center Information Counter at 785.8898 or visit If you go— Who: Equal Rights Activist Jamie Nabozny What: Lecture When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 10. Where: Valhalla, Cartwright Center–Gunning Addition Admission: $2 for UW-L students, $4 for employees and $6 for others. Tickets will be $2 more on the day of the lecture.

 Morale Retreat includes sessions throughout the day April 11

UW-L's Morale Retreat is this week. In addition to the usual 11 a.m.-2 p.m. come-and-go activities Wednesday, April 11, in the Recreational Eagle Center, the seventh Semi-Annual, Semi-Sweet UW-L Morale Retreat will also feature wellness and morale focused workshops throughout the day, including:
9:30-10:15 a.m. | 337 Cartwright Center EmPATHy: Creating Pathways for Connectedness through the Power of Stories Carrie Bero and Amanda Goodenough The power of stories is immense. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to anonymously share a piece of your story and hear the stories of others. Gain a greater appreciation for your colleagues and explore ways to further integrate empathy into your day to day life. 10:30-11 a.m. | Martial Arts Room, Recreational Eagle Center The Whole Connection Marge Troka Balance and strength ... mind/ body connection ... posture ... flexibility ... relaxation ... If these concepts intrigue you, learn more about them! Marge Troka will lead participants through a 30-minute Hatha yoga session focused on seated and standing poses to relieve muscle pain and stiffness and help improve balance and circulation. Particpants will also practice calming the mind and body through controlled breathing. (No sweating involved ... wear comfortable clothing that you can move in). 11:30 a.m., 12:30 & 1:30 p.m. | Recreational Eagle Center Courts Speed Networking Jamin Whitman, Drea Higgins, 5:01 Club and LIVEMAROON Meet other UW-L faculty and staff at a fast-paced, interactive speed networking event with activities that encourage mingling. (Wear soft-soled shoes to preserve the courts.) 2-3 p.m.| Martial Arts Room, Recreational Eagle Center Mindfulness for a Vibrant Life Beth Mullen Houser Information and hands-on experience with the technique of mindfulness, bringing conscious awareness to the day-to-day moments of our lives. Get the most out of your life! 3-4 p.m. | 311 Wimberly Hall Work/Life Balance Ingrid Peterson, Jason Bertrand, Jess Hacker Learn the seven dimensions of wellness in regards to our work/life balance. Participants will discuss the concept of making meaning, prioritizing our lives, and figuring out where we spend our "spare" time. Wear your LIVEMAROON T-shirt. Chancellor Joe Gow has granted one hour of release time to attend the Morale Retreat. Work with supervisors to ensure office coverage.

Full Disclosure artwork.‘Open Mic/Open Stage/Open Minds’ planned for April 11

Share spoken word pieces, slideshows, songs, short performances and more at “Open Mic/Open Stage/Open Minds.” The event runs from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, in the Cellar, Cartwright Center. This event, sponsored by Campus Climate and Awareness through Performance, is open to all students, faculty, staff and community members who are passionate about social justice and diversity issues. Click here for more information. If you go— What: “Open Mic/Open Stage/Open Minds” Where: The Cellar, Cartwright Center When: 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 11 Admission: Free [caption id="attachment_11042" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Comedian Prashanth Venkatarmanujam performs on campus Thursday, April 12. "]Prashanth Venkatarmanujam photo.[/caption]

Chicago Comedian comes to UW-La Crosse

Chicago native Prashanth Venkatarmanujam comes to UW–La Crosse with his comedy act. He’ll perform at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12, in the Cellar, Cartwright Center. Admission is free. Prashanth began his stand-up career at the age of 17 in some of comedy’s biggest clubs, like Gotham Comedy Club, before he was even legally allowed to patron there. He encourages potential attendees leery about his comedy to at least stop in to hear him pronounce his 16-lettered last name. The program is a part of university’s Campus Activity Board’s 2011-12 series. For more information, contact the Cartwright Center Information Counter at 785.8898 or visit If you go— Who: Prashanth Venkatarmanujam What: Comedian When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12 Where: The Cellar, Cartwright Center Admission: Free

Shooting Beauty artwork. Fashion photographer to share story about unique program

Working with people with disabilities changed her life The story of an aspiring fashion photographer whose life was transformed when she started a photography program for individuals with disabilities will be shared at UW-La Crosse. The photographer, Courtney Bent, will share her story through the film “Shooting Beauty, Everyone Deserves A Shot” at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 12, in 1309 Centennial Hall. Following the film, Bent will lead a discussion. The event is free and open to the public. The film puts the viewer in Bent’s shoes as she overcomes her own unspoken prejudices and begins inventing cameras accessible to her new friends. Her efforts snowball into an award-winning photography program called “Picture This” — and becomes the backdrop for an eye-opening story about romance, loss and laughter that challenges stereotypes about living with a disability, and without one. Find more about Bent and the film at: The program is co-sponsored by UW-L’s Students Advocating Potential Ability, Disability Resource Services (DRS) and Student Support Services (SSS). A sign language interpreter will be available. If you go— Who: Photographer Courtney Bent What: “Shooting Beauty, Everyone Deserves A Shot” When: 7 p.m. Thursday, April 12 Where: 1309 Centennial Hall Admission: Free

Girl dancing. La Crosse Three Rivers Community Powwow set for April 14 and 15

The 36th annual La Crosse Three Rivers Comunity Powwow seeks to unite community members of all backgrounds through dancing, drumming and more. The traditional powwow will be held Saturday, April 14, and Sunday, April 15, in Mitchell Hall Gymnasium. Grand entries, which are entrances for dancers, drummers, elders, veterans and others, are at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday and at noon Sunday. Vendors will sell Native American crafts, jewelry, music and food and a powwow princess will be selected based on her knowledge of tribal history, language and regalia. The powwow is open to the public. Admission is free with the donation of a non-perishable food item to benefit the UW-L Food Pantry. View a flier here. For more information, contact Guy Wolf at 785.8838 or If you go— What: 36th Annual  Three Rivers Community Powwow When: Saturday and Sunday, April 14 and 15 - Grand entries at 1 and 7 p.m. Saturday and noon Sunday Where: UW-L Mitchell Hall Gymnasium Admission: Free with non-perishable food item

U.S. Rep. Ron Kind on campus April 13 to talk about film on agricultural policy, food

U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) will be on campus Friday, April 13, to answer questions about food and U.S. agricultural policy after the free screening of the film "Food Fight" at 11 a.m. in 2213 Centennial Hall. “Food Fight" explores how American agricultural policy and food culture developed in the 20th Century along with how the California food movement has created a counter-revolution against big agribusiness. Kind, who is featured in the film, will lead the discussion beginning at approximately 12:30 p.m. The screening is in conjunction with SOC 414 Policy & Society and is co-sponsored by the Joint Legislative/Regents Affairs Committee. For more information, contact Carol Miller at or 785.6777.

47th Annual International Banquet to be held April 14

Enjoy the tastes, sights and sounds from countries around the world at UW-L's’ 47th Annual International Banquet. International students cook ethnic dishes from a variety of countries and provide an array of entertainment including dance, music and a fashion show featuring traditional clothing. Doors open at 5 p.m. Saturday, April 14, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. The show starts at 6 p.m.  Cost is $12 for UW-L students, faculty and staff and $16 for others. Children 6 and under are free, but a ticket is required
Tickets sell out quickly! Purchase tickets at the Cartwright Center Information Counter.
See photos of the event taken by UW-L student Mark Fei at!2407&parid=41687DD2E4FAF70D!2200&authkey=!ANCCBzAonoiRTwo

Experimental therapeutics for advanced melanomas is topic of April 16 bioresearch forum

Dr. Swetomir N. Markovic, Department of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minn., will present "Experimental Therapeutics for Advanced Melanomas: Is a Cure Possible?" from 12:15-1 p.m. Monday, April 16, for the monthly La Crosse BioResearch Forum. Forums are held in the Overholt Auditorium, Gundersen Lutheran. The free forums are open to the public and are hosted by the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders and the Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation. Those attending should park in the Green ramp (see map) or use valet parking. Use the entrances at the north end and northeast side of the medical center.

 Flash mob to dance for equality in earnings

The Student Parent Community, a network of students from UW-L, Viterbo University and Western Technical College, is forming a flash mob to dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, at the Hoeschler Clock Tower. The students want to raise awareness to an 18 percent wage gap between men and women. The group invites others to join the public performance April 17, Equal Pay Day. To earn what men earned in the 12 months of 2011, women must work approximately 16-1/2 months — January 2011 through April 17, 2012. Visit the Student Parent Community facebook page to learn more and view tutorials.

Join 'Team UW-L' in Seven Rivers MS Walk April 28

MS Walk Logo. UW-L sophomore Barb Haggerty has formed a "Team UW-L" to walk in the Seven Rivers MS Walk Saturday, April 28. The 3.1 mile walk to support finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis begins at 10 a.m. in the downtown La Crosse area. Anyone is welcome to join the team, find sponsors and raise money. It is free to register and walk. Participants walk around Riverside Park and Cass and Main streets. Contact Haggerty for more information.  

16th annual Neighbors Day is April 28; deadline to ask for assistance is April 13

UW-L students will join the La Crosse community to help spruce up homes of elderly and individuals who are disabled in La Crosse. The 16th Annual Neighbors Day, organized by the La Crosse Jaycees, is from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, April 28.
Volunteers rake lawns, trim shrubs and wash windows. Last year there were more than 200 requests for help, and the demand is expected to be equally strong this year, according to the Jaycees. If you or a group you’re involved in want to volunteer, fill out the volunteer form and meet at the Black River Beach Neighborhood Center at 8 a.m. the day of the event. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Those in need of assistance should fill out the request form by Friday, April 13. For more information, email
UW-L groups participating so far include:
  • Alpine Ski Racing Club
  • Beta Alpha Psi
  • Coate Hall
  • Eagle Hall
  • Eta Phi Alpha Honors Society
  • Men’s Basketball
  • Student Alumni Association
  • Students Today Leaders Forever
  • Vanguard Organization

Peerspective artwork. PeerSpectives is online

The Academic Advising Center spring 2012 newsletter "PeerSpectives" is online. View it at     Campus Kudos artwork. [caption id="attachment_11152" align="alignright" width="400" caption="UW-L honor student Danielle Brey won first prize and $200 for her poster presentation on grandparent-grandchildren relationships. "]Danielle Brey with poster. [/caption]

UW-L student wins undergraduate research poster award at Midwest Sociological Society meeting

Danielle Brey, an honor’s student in sociology, was awarded first prize and $200 for her poster presentation “Parental Divorce’s Impact on Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships: A College Grandchild’s Perspective” at the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society in Minneapolis March 29-April1. Her poster was chosen for the award out of 20 other undergraduate research posters from around the Midwest. Brey interviewed 20 undergraduate students about their relationships with their grandparents. She found that those whose parents had divorced were more likely to have more polarized relationships with their grandparents. They were more likely to describe either very deep relationships with their grandparents who helped support them and a parent during the divorce or estranged relationships with the parents of their non-custodial parent. Carol Miller, Sociology/Archaeology, was her adviser for the Sociology Honor’s Project for which she was awarded a UW-L Undergraduate Research Grant. Miller presented her paper, “Waiting for the Revolution: Marriage and Family Students’ Future Aspirations,” at the meeting. Laurie Cooper Stoll, Sociology/Archaeology, also presented her paper, “What Problem? Doing Gender in the Classroom.” Joe Chilsen, Marketing, was elected the new mayor for Onalaska April 3. For more see "Onalaska picks Chilsen"La Crosse Tribune article. Kjerstin Lang, University Communications, is one of four professionals who has been selected to a Rotarian Group Study Exchange Team. They are spending a month in Australia to visit Rotary clubs and share U.S. culture. Read the GSE 6250 Australia blog. Cecilia Manrique, Political Science/Public Administration, attended the Golden Key International Honour Society Board of Directors meeting from Feb. 24-26 in Atlanta. Manrique, who is president of the International Leadership Council, delivered the ILC report to the board. Jeff Meyer, University Advancement, was elected to the La Crosse School District April 3. John Porcari, Exercise and Sport Science, gave the opening keynote "Separating Fact from Fiction in the Fitness Industry" at the American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Summit in Las Vegas on March 28.   Human Resources artwork.

Annual reminder on ethics

All University of Wisconsin System employees are required to comply with the code of ethics applicable to their employment status. These codes are designed to prevent conflicts between an employee's private interests and public responsibilities. • The rules for unclassified employees (generally faculty and academic staff employees) are in Ch. UWS 8, Wisconsin Administrative Code. • The rules for classified employees (generally most other UW System employees) are in Ch. ER-MRS 24, Wisconsin Administrative Code. Unclassified Employees Outside Activities An unclassified employee may engage in outside activities related to the employee's field of interest unless the activities conflict with the employee's public responsibilities to the University of Wisconsin System, or to the employee's individual institution. Unclassified employees must report, in writing, their involvement in outside activities every April 30. Outside activity reports are public records. The reporting period is the previous calendar year. All unclassified employees must submit these reports, whether or not they have engaged in outside activities. Employees must submit these reports to their dean, director or to an appropriate administrator. Classified Employees ER-MRS 24 describes prohibited conflicts of interest which occur when an employee's actions may reasonably be expected to produce a private benefit to that employee, a member of that employee's immediate family, or an organization in which the employee has a significant financial interest. ER-MRS 24 discusses conflicts of interest in detail. Additional information on ethics Visit the Frequently-Asked Questions on the UW-L Office of Internal Audit.   New employees
  • Yan Qu, IS Data Services Professional, Institutional Research, April 9
  • Martina Skobic, Academic Planner, Dean's Office, College of Business Administration, April 9
  • Morgan Zimmer, Police Services Associate, University Police Services, April 9
  • Briana Meuer, to University Services Program Associate, Continuing Education and Extension, April 8
  • Joel Luedke, Research Intern, Department of Exercise and Sport Science, March 11
  OCW logo.  

Hourglass artwork.  OCW hosts spring symposium April 17 on work/life balance

Up until two years ago, UW-L Alumna Angie Ames' life was disorganized and a failed juggling act at best, she admits. Then the training and development specialist for Kwik Trip Inc. attended a week-long conference on work­/life balance, redefined her priorities and restructured her life for it to  become more balanced and enjoyable. Ames is now a much happier wife, mother, housekeeper, volunteer, daughter, sister, aunt, neighbor, friend and church member. Ames will share tips she learned at the UW-L Organization of Campus Women spring symposium "Balancing Your Work & Life" Tuesday, April 17, in the Cameron Hall of Nations. Through this interactive keynote address, Ames will help participants examine ways to redirect energy to make both work and personal lives more productive and meaningful. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for hors d’oeurves. The keynote address begins at 12:05 p.m. The event if free for OCW member. A $3 donation is suggested for others. Register for the event by Friday, April 13, by contacting OCW President Maggie McHugh at Download a flier here. Chancellor Joe Gow has granted 1.5 hours of release time to attend the symposium. Work with supervisors to ensure office coverage.   Classified ad artwork.

For rent

Two units in duplex in quiet neighborhood, near Center 90 in Onalaska. Feature spacious living rooms, air conditioning, washer and dryer hook-ups, attached garage with opener, large front and backyards, private backyard, lots of storage. No pets and no smoking on premises. Landlord pays water and mows lawn. Upper available May 1, lower available June 1. Lower unit has two bedrooms, one renovated bathroom, new kitchen countertops and bar area, spacious living room and kitchen. Rent is $675. Upper unit has two bedrooms, one bathroom, new windows, dishwasher, backyard with deck and new sliding glass door. Rent is $725. Call 608.385.1661. Three-bedroom house at 339 S. 22nd St. (close to campus). Two bathrooms; two-car garage; central heat and air; soft water; equipped with refrigerator, washer and dryer; nice yard. $1,000 per month / $1,000 deposit. Call Shari at 480.225.9576.

For sale

Two recumbent E-Bikes. One black and one royal blue. Good condition. $75 each. Call 608.385.5962. Harley 2003 XL 1200C, extra chrome, detachable windshield, hard saddle bags, blue anniversary color, excellent condition, low miles. $6,400. 608.385.5968. Discount tickets for the Harlem Globtrotters' game, Monday, April 9, at the La Crosse Center. Tickets start at $15.50. Call Jasper Joyce at 800.641.4667 x118 or email


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