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Campus Connection Aug. 12, 2013

Posted p.m. Monday, Aug. 12, 2013

This week's news and events.


UW-L economics professor talks taxes in USA Today

Hoffer_Adam_2012 - Photo by Pa Moua-Yang UW-L Assistant Professor of Economics Adam Hoffer makes a case for not taxing “unhealthy” foods like Big Macs and soda in a recent column in USA Today. The opinion column “Big Brother declares war on consumption”explains how taxes on foods deemed unhealthy affect the poorest members of society the most because these people don’t have easy access to alternatives. Co-authored by Hoffer and two professors at Utah State University, the column was published in the online opinion section Sunday, Aug. 4. Read more »

In this issue:

Announcements & Notices Campus Kudos Human Resources    

UW-L alums plan log rolling competition with an educational spin

Katie Rick pictured log rolling. Two UW-La Crosse alums, Katie Rick, ’08 and ‘12, and Jacob Rick, ‘13, have organized Three Rivers Roleo Log Rolling Tournament for the last six years. For the first time, they’ll be joined by Jacob Hawes, a UW-L graduate student in clinical exercise physiology, who will be measuring a handful of the elite log-rolling athletes to determine their heart rate, oxygen consumption, strength and body fat while they roll and afterward. Read more 

UW-L to offer Economic Indicators: An Update for the 7 Rivers Region

7 Rivers logo.
T.J. Brooks, UW-L associate professor of economics, will present a regional update on the economy during Economic Indicators: An Update for the 7 Rivers Region Thursday, Sept. 5, at UW-L. Narayana Kocherlakota, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, will be the guest speaker. Breakfast will be served at 7 a.m. The program runs from 7:20 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Read more »

Great River Folk Festival features food, fun, music and more

Great River Folk Festival logo.

Enjoy food, crafts and music at the 38th Annual Great River Folk Festival Friday through Sunday, Aug. 23-25, on campus. Read more »

La Crosse's Riverside Park

La Crosse Riverside Park.
Announcements Notices head   [caption id="attachment_25391" align="alignleft" width="350"]Two men in golf cart. The men's team winners at the UW-L Alumni Association Alumni & Friends Golf Outing at Cedar Creek Golf Club Aug. 7 were the Weber team including Aaron Kupinski, left, and Dustin Manguson.[/caption]

Alumni, friends reunited at golf event

UW-L alumni from Minneapolis, Rochester, Racine, Milwaukee and the Greater La Crosse area joined friends of UW-L Aug. 7 to golf at Cedar Creek Golf Club in the UW-L Alumni Association Alumni & Friends Golf Outing. Via UW-L’s “Golf Goes Global” option golfers in Florida and Georgia joined the 145 who golfed locally by golfing Wednesday at their home courses. The men's team winner at the event was the Weber team, including Aaron Kupinski and Dustin Manguson. Three of their team members had conflicts and couldn't play. Second place was UW-L's College of Business Administration team, including Bill Colclough, Dennis Engh, Jeff Kessler, Glenn Knowles and Scott Turnbull. Women's team winners were Jane Dahlburg, Paula Knudson, Mo McAlpine, Karla Stanek and Deb Veghlan. Co-ed winners were from the WIAA and included Roger Foengen, Joan Gralla, Ted Knutson, Tom Shafranski and Marcy Thurwachter. Twenty-five major sponsors donated a total of $16,650 to the event that supports the Alumni Alumni Association's Legacy Scholarships, Lantern magazine, and student and alumni programming. Thirty-one raffle and silent auction sponsors donated items earning $2,750. A donation of $1,498 paid for three hole events. Twenty-eight volunteered at the fundraiser. To donate to the Alumni Association call 608.785.8489.  To see more photos of the event visit Next year's event is set for Wednesday, Aug. 14.

This year's venue for All-University Address is Valhalla; address, picnic set for Aug. 28

[caption id="attachment_25356" align="alignright" width="134"]Joe Gow photo. UW-L Chancellor Joe Gow[/caption] This year Chancellor Joe Gow will give UW-L’s All-University Fall Address from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition, instead of Graff Main Hall where he has traditionally given the address. Refreshments are available beginning 10 a.m.   Immediately following the address, all university faculty and staff are invited to attend the Annual Chancellor’s Picnic from approximately 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on the Graff Main Hall lawn. The event is free. Tickets and sign-up are not required. The menu includes grilled chicken breasts, vegan burgers, hamburgers, coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans, an ice cream sundae bar and beverages. UW-L Dining Services will serve the food.  

Bus graphic.U-PASS continues into 2013-14

Faculty and staff can ride La Crosse City buses for $75 a year. The university’s U-PASS contract with the La Crosse MTU will continue for 2013-14. Faculty and staff can purchase an MTU bus pass for unlimited rides on all MTU’s routes. Those purchasing passes can take advantage of pretax payroll deduction. Passes are available in the Cashier’s Office, 121 Graff Main Hall, and are valid Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013, through Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014. The U-PASS program offers daily unlimited fare-free passage on all MTU routes for students. From fall 2000 through 2012, MTU buses have provided 1,673,494 U-PASS rides. The program is a joint effort by the UW-L Student Association, UW-L Administration and MTU. For more information about U-PASS and city bus routes, visit

Steppin' Out in Pink logo.OCW organizing Steppin' Out in Pink team; sign up by Aug. 26

UW-L's Organization for Campus Women is organizing a team to walk in Gundersen Medical Foundation's Steppin' Out in Pink Saturday, Sept. 7. Steppin' Out in Pink is a walk for local breast cancer research and services. The deadline to register for a team is Monday, Aug. 26.  To join the OCW  team, go to the Steppin’ Out in Pink Webpage at Click on "Register Here." Click on "I agree." Click on "Join a Team." A drop down box will appear.  Click on "Organization for Campus Women." Create a username, password and enter the security question information, click continue. Follow the instructions for registration payment. For more information about joining the team, contact OCW President Teri Talpe at or 608.785. 8944 or Karmin Van Domelen at or 608.785.5097.

ITS seeks 25 to test, explore My Mediasite module

UW-L's Information Technology Services will be testing and exploring the My Mediasite module for computer desktop capture and video upload and management this fall.  My Mediasite allows users to create and share video, lectures, training modules or assignments wherever they are. My Mediasite is a friendly launch pad for users to record, upload, manage and publish their own video content. ITS seeks 25 from the campus community to test the software. Faculty, staff or students who want to participate should email Terry Wirkus at  For more information, click this link.

UW-L surplus sale runs through Aug. 20

UW-L is conducting a sale of surplus property in partnership with the on-line auction site through Tuesday, Aug. 20. Pre-registration and a bidder number are required prior  to submitting bids. For terms and conditions of sale, along with contact information, go to
Campus Kudos artwork. UW-L graduate student Wayne (Tommy) Means, Recreation Management and Therapeutic Recreation, received one of two Academy of Leisure Science's Future Scholar Awards for 2013. The award goes to a graduate student with excellent potential to pursue a doctoral degree and become a leader in the field.  The Academy of Leisure Science is an organization in Recreation and Leisure for the most elite scholars. Means will receive a $1,000 stipend to attend and be recognized at the ALS annual meeting held in conjunction with the National Recreation and Park Association Congress & Exposition, Oct. 8-10 in Houston.

Human Resources artwork.

 New employees

  • Megan Cobb, Research Intern, Counseling and Testing
  • Sharon Hamilton, Assistant Professor, Murphy Library
  • Andrew McGlenn, Coach and Lecturer, Athletics and Exercise and Sports Science
  • Alicia Reif, Research Intern, Counseling and Testing


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