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Campus Connection, Feb. 23, 2015

Posted 3:03 p.m. Friday, Feb. 20, 2015

This week's news and events.


Feb. 23-28 is National TRIO Week

TRIO week artwork. A program that helps students from disadvantaged backgrounds is being recognized this week, Monday, Feb. 23-Saturday, Feb. 28. It is National TRIO Week. Read more »

In this issue:

Announcements & Notices Arts Events Athletics Campus Kudos UWLDining In The News Murphy Library Notes Physical Wellness Classifieds

Financial Aid help offered for college-bound students, parents

College Goal Wisconsin An upcoming workshop at UW-L will provide free assistance to Wisconsin’s college-bound students who need help completing the financial aid form. The 10th annual College Goal Wisconsin will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, in 102 Wing Technology Center. Read more »

UW-L Theatre production of a globetrotting con artist takes the stage

Catch Me If You Can artwork.
The UW-L Department of Theatre Arts production of “Catch Me If You Can” opens Friday Feb. 27, in Toland Theatre, Center for the Arts. Tickets for the high-flying musical comedy about chasing dreams and not getting caught go on sale at 1 p.m. Monday, Feb. 23. Read more »

Student research supports community non-profits

Image of Assistant Professor Lei Zhang sitting in a circle with students discussing.
The Great Rivers United Way is known for supporting the La Crosse area by uniting people and improving lives. Now UW-La Crosse students are supporting United Way — and many other non-profit organizations in the community like it. Read more »

The School of Arts and Communication sets Creative Imperatives for March 1-4

Creative Imperatives artwork.
Composers, musicians, storytellers, poets and painters will be there. So will performers, photographers, printmakers and public speakers. Read more »
  Announcements Notices head

Prep for Success logo.Prep for Success set for Feb. 24

Learn from a panel of area employers about the job search, interviewing and what to expect in a professional position at Prep for Success. The free event will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24, in 1400 Centennial Hall.
Panelists will include:
• Ashley Foreman, Festival
• Shane Gesler, Manpower
• Jon Holthaus, Mutual of Omaha
• Wade Krogwold, Direct Supply
• Bridgit Pfister, Impact Networking
Career Services advisers will be available for questions before and after the event. Refreshments will be provided. Dress professionally. The event is co-sponsored by UW-L Career Services and Delta Sigma Pi.

Spring Career Fair artwork. Spring Career Fair is Feb. 25

Connect with prospective employers at the Spring Career Fair from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.
The fair is free and open to all students. Explore careers and part-time employment as well as internship opportunities and full-time employment. Seventy employers will be represented.
Tips for the event:
  • Dress professionally
  • Prioritize your list of employers
  • Bring resumes if you want to seek an internship or full-time employment
  • Greet employers with a smile and a firm handshake
  • Be ready with questions
  • Ask for a business card
  • Follow up
For a list of participants and additional information on how to prepare for the fair, visit the Career Services website at
A photographer will be available to take LinkedIn photos from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in Port O'Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.

Learn about becoming a Peace Corps volunteer Feb. 25

UW-L has had more than 250 Peace Corps volunteers since the corps was founded in 1961. Why not consider being the next volunteer? Those considering joining these alumni and becoming a Peace Corps volunteer can find out more at an informational meeting at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, in 1400 Centennial Hall. The event is sponsored by UW-L Career Services. Peace Corps volunteers help communities improve education and youth development, resources for women, family incomes, food production, environmental conservation, HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention, clean water accessibility, and much more. Peace Corps volunteers gain valuable cross-cultural skills and become citizens of the world. Other benefits include full health and dental coverage in service, graduate school programs, and federal employment advantage. Volunteers of all backgrounds and ages serve in a variety of fields in more than 60 countries. Peace Corps volunteers must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years of age, but there is no upper age limit.

Jeans Day artwork.Charity 'Jeans Day' is Friday, Feb. 27

UW-L is one of many local organizations that participates in “Jeans Day” each month and is sponsored by the La Crosse Tribune. In return for $1 (suggested donation), UW-L faculty and staff have the opportunity to wear jeans rather than usual business attire. Donations go to designated local, non-profit charities or organizations each month. The charities this month are Miss La Crosse/Oktoberfest Scholarship Program and Rotary Club of La Crosse-After Hours. Locate your building contact person on the list below, contribute your suggested $1, and collect your Jeans Day sticker. It is not necessary to wear jeans to participate. This is a great way to unite our campus in supporting local non-profit organizations in the Greater La Crosse area. In January the campus raised $145. Let’s show the community how generous we can be. Building contacts:
  • Marcee Peplinski, 117 Archaeology Center Lab
  • Cindy Curran, 212 Cartwright Center
  • Laurie Collison, 4206 Centennial Hall
  • Christine Reed, 234 Center for the Arts
  • Vickie Bain, Cleary Alumni & Friends Center
  • Karen Ott, 2004 Cowley Hall
  • Carol Beckerjeck, Eagle Hall
  • Debra Gerke, 105 Graff Main Hall
  • Jeanne Voss, 124 Mitchell Hall
  • Maripat Coughlin, 235 Morris Hall
  • Ingrid Iverson, 107 Murphy Library
  • Ann Reman, Physical Plant
  • Ann Stratton, Parking Services
  • Mo McAlpine, Recreational Eagle Center
  • Karen Kindschy, 1030 Student Health Center
  • Maureen Spencer, 404A Wimberly Hall
  • Josh Kraft, 162 Wing Technology Center
For more information, contact Jeans Day Coordinator Maureen Spencer or call 608.785.8115. The next Jeans Day is March 27.

The New Basement Tapes' 'Lost on the River' to be featured at the Feb. 27 Album Encounters; 'Footsteps — Voyage to the moon' is February Public Program

The next Album Encounters multimedia light and laser show will feature The New Basement Tapes' "Lost on the River" at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, in 20 Cowley Hall. Admission is $5. The Planetarium’s Public Program for February is "Footsteps — Voyage to the moon." The talk, followed by a multimedia audiovisual presentation, will be at 1 p.m. Saturdays, Feb. 28. Admission is $3 for students, seniors and children, and $5 for others. For more information, contact Bob Allen at or 608.785.8669. See more about the Planetarium at

SJBrownBag2014-15-Feb27'Understanding Affirmative Action at UW-L' to be discussed at the Feb. 27 brown bag lunch series

Nizam Arain, Affirmative Action, will facilitate the topic “Understanding Affirmative Action at UW-L” from 1-2:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27, in Port O’ Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Join the conversation on select Friday afternoons to learn about contemporary research topics and featured issues related to social justice. Bring your lunch; cookies will be provided. This series is free for everyone and is sponsored by Campus Climate, Institute for Latin American Studies, Social Justice Network and the Wellness Resource Center. For questions or to request disability accommodations, contact Campus Climate at 608.785.5094.

Spring 2015 commencement speaker nominations due Friday, Feb. 27

Two members of UW-L's spring 2015 graduating class will be selected to speak at commencement ceremonies at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday, May 10. Faculty, staff, and students can nominate a student who has shown exceptional campus leadership and devotion to UW-L.

Students graduating in May 2015 who are active on campus and have a good academic history are encouraged to complete an application  on the MyOrgs web site:

Nominations are due by 1 p.m. Feb. 27Nominations should be sent via email to Storm Larson, Academic Affairs Committee chair, at Students, if agreeable, will then be contacted and asked to complete an application. Nominations by others are encouraged, but are not required for an applicant to be considered. Students can self-nominate, but must do so by the nomination deadline.

Students will need to email applications with a letter of intent explaining interest and a draft of the speech to Larson at by 1 p.m. Friday, March 13.

The students with the strongest submissions will be invited to read their speeches to the committee before the final decision is made. Speeches should be reflective, congratulatory and represent the pride of graduating from UW-L. Students may apply to speak only for their own respective commencement ceremony. Selected applicants will be contacted to establish a presentation time.

For more information contact Alex Brown, University Centers, at; or Larson at

Audition now for chance to perform in UW-L's International Banquet

UW-L students, staff and faculty who want to perform in UW-L's International Banquet Friday, April 10, should apply to audition by Monday, March 2. Priority will be given to performances that highlight cultural awareness and diversity. To apply complete the online application here. Auditions will be scheduled from 3-7 p.m. Monday, March 9, and Tuesday, March 10,
Performances can have any number of people, but must be no longer than seven minutes in length. A dress rehearsal is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, April 9. For more information, contact Susan Niedzwiecki-Pham in the Office of International Education at  or 608.785.8016.
For more information visit

Open forums for CLS dean position begin March 2

Open forums for the UW-L College of Liberal Studies dean position begin Monday, March 2. Open forums for the UW-L campus community run from 2:15-3:15 p.m. in 150 Murphy Library ICE. Candidates will give a presentation and answer questions. Candidates and open forum dates are:
  • Nora Reilly, Monday, March 2
  • Betsy Morgan, Wednesday, March 4
  • Julia Johnson, Monday, March 9

Public speaking competition finale to be held March 3

Listen to some of UW-L's best student speakers at the Public Speaking Competition Finale from 4-5:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, in 1309 Centennial Hall. The competition celebrates and showcases student excellence in public speaking. Those competing and their subjects are:
  • Cara Henney - To persuade the audience to help protect Wisconsin waterways from harmful pollutants
  • Samantha Mueller - To persuade the audience to no longer ignore domestic violence
  • Allison Shaver - To persuade college students to volunteer for the La Crosse YMCA Teen Center
  • Adria Braley - To persuade the audience to stand up to hate incidents against the LGTBQ community
  • Carly Ferguson - To persuade the audience to eat healthier in college
Judges include Chancellor Joe Gow; Susan Schuyler, senior lecturer in Communication Studies; and Bailey Benedict, Communication Club President and Peer Consultant in the Public Speaking Center. The event is part of the School of Arts and Communication Creative Imperatives week and is sponsored by the College of Liberal Studies, Department of Communication Studies, and Public Speaking Center. For more information contact Tony Docan-Morgan at

Faculty-led study abroad programs Lunch and Learn to be held March 9; RSVP to attend by March 3

Faculty can learn how to plan and lead a study abroad program at a Monday, March 9, Lunch and Learn event. The information session on Cultural Experiences Abroad will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. in the Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall. CEA enables faculty members and universities to design and lead custom programs while CEA handles the logistics. Advantages include:
  • Complete program planning
  • High-quality academic support
  • Thorough risk management
  • Personal and caring advisers and on-site staff
  • Professional overseas infrastructure and support
To attend, RSVP Susan Pham at by Tuesday, March 3. A lunch will be provided. For more information contact Pham at 608.785.8918 or

UW-L surplus sale to be held through March 4

UW-L will conduct a sale of surplus property in partnership with the on-line auction site through Wednesday, March 4. Pre-registration and a bidder number are required prior to bid submittals. For terms and conditions of sale, along with contact information, visit the auction's website. View the items in Campus Stores between 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Sign up to get a buzz at St. Baldrick's event March 7

The eighth annual St. Baldrick’s event will be from noon-4 p.m. Saturday, March 7, at UW-L’s Recreational Eagle Center. Nearly 800 people have shaved their heads to participate in the childhood cancer research fundraiser. Anyone is welcome to participate, donate or watch. UW-L’s St. Baldrick’s events have raised nearly $121,000 for childhood cancer research since they started in 2007. To donate or sign up, visit the UW-L event page at

CPR, AED course to be held March 10

UW-L Police Officer David Pehl will lead an American Heart Association CPR and AED course from 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at the Police Services building. Cost of the course is $20 and is payable the night of class. Email Pehl at to reserve a spot.

Submit scholarship app by April 1 for $1,000 chance

UW-L's Financial Aid Office is offering students the chance to receive one of five $1,000 grants to those who submit proof of application to 10 external scholarships. UW-L Foundation scholarship applications are not eligible for inclusion. Students must meet the eligibility requirements for all 10 scholarship applications submitted and must provide proof of those 10 external scholarship applications to the UW-L Financial Aid Office by Wednesday, April 1, to qualify for participation in the grant giveaway random drawing. For more information visit

Legal notice: public meeting for Environmental Impact Statement draft of UW-L Science Lab building to be held April 1

A public meeting to present the draft findings of the Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed UW-La Crosse Science Lab Building project will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, in the Ward Room, Cartwright Center. Parking will be available in campus lots C-1, C-2 and C-9. All persons in attendance will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to identify both orally and in writing any support, issues or concerns they believe should be addressed in the Final EIS for this proposed project. The EIS for the Science Lab Building project will be prepared in accordance with the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA), Wisconsin Statutes 1.11 and University of Wisconsin System (UW System) guidelines. The project manager is the state Department of Administration’s Division of Facilities Development (DFD). Cornerstone Environmental Group has been retained to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on behalf of the UW System for this proposal. The proposed new Science Lab Building will design and construct a complete replacement of Cowley Hall, UW-L's science instruction facility. Upon completion, the facility will consist of a connected building that will include teaching and research labs, classrooms, offices collaborative learning spaces and gathering areas, and all other spaces required to accommodate the instructional programs in the physical and life sciences. The project will be broken into two phases. Phase I will include a 108,000 Assignable Square Feet (ASF)/180,000 Gross Square Feet (GSF) building sited on an existing surface parking lot located immediately north of the existing campus science building (Cowley Hall). Constructed spaces include instructional and research labs required to accommodate delivery of the curriculum in the physical and life sciences, along with miscellaneous building support spaces. In Phase II the project will demolish the existing Cowley Hall and construct a 93,000 ASF/148,000 GSF structure that will satisfy the balance of the program needs. Phase II constructed spaces include classrooms, collaborative learning spaces, office conference and all other ancillary departmental and building support spaces. Construction phasing for this project is related to other campus construction projects, most especially the construction of a new student union concurrent with the construction of Phase I of the new science facility. Upon completion of the new student union, the campus will relocate all faculty and staff from the existing Cowley Hall to temporary spaces in the existing student union. This will allow construction of Phase II of the project, including demolition of Cowley Hall. This will allow for the construction of Phase II of the project to begin immediately upon completion of Phase I, with no need for a temporary relocation of wet labs, and without a need to provide new temporary utility feeds and infrastructure installation into the existing office wing of Cowley Hall. The Draft EIS is made available to the public for a minimum of a 45-day review period beginning Wednesday, Feb. 18, and ending Friday, April 3, and is circulated to appropriate federal, state and local agencies. A public meeting is held on the Draft EIS. Comments and inquiries raised on the Draft EIS, at the April 1 public meeting and during the review period, are used to develop the Final EIS, which is circulated to the public and commenting agencies for a subsequent 30-day review period, during which a public hearing is held for additional clarification and comment. Following the public hearing, a conclusion on the findings of the EIS is developed for release by the UW System. This Record of Decision (ROD) is circulated to key individuals and agencies involved in the EIS process. Copies of the Draft EIS will be made available at UW-La Crosse Murphy Library and La Crosse Public Library and online at Comments on the Draft EIS may be submitted until April 3 to: Susan Mockert, Cornerstone Environmental Group, 8413 Excelsior Drive, Suite 160, Madison, WI 53717 or email Comments received after April 3 may be considered in preparation of the Final EIS.

Request donations from Dining Services and Pepsi Funds

The Event Funding Assistance Committee meets on the first and third week of each month to review requests for catering and Pepsi donations. To apply go to Requests should be submitted well in advance of the date needed to allow for committee review and three weeks for ordering and processing. Arts Events artwork.

News and upcoming events

  • Thanks to students who submitted work to the All Students Juried Art Exhibition continues. Visit the University Gallery homepage to see a list of winners and selected images of their work.
  • Creative Imperatives is March 1-4. Students, staff and faculty can attend art demonstrations and workshops across all of the studio disciplines, including blacksmithing/metalsmithing, ceramics, drawing, jewelry making, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. See a listing of art events.
UW-L Athletics artwork.

News and upcoming events

  • Gymnastics will host the UW-L Triangular Meet at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27. Seniors will be highlighted and honored at the post-event of the last home meet of the season.
  • Mark your calendars for the 2015 Roundball Rumble on the River April 6. This event includes a dinner from the Waterfront, raffles and games of chance, a live showing of the national championship men’s basketball game, and an auction including unique experiences such as tours and sideline passes, hunting and fishing packages, and much more. For more info or to purchase tickets, click here.
  • The 14th Annual Eagle Eye Open is Monday, June 15. The golf outing features UW-L athletic teams at each hole and includes 18 holes with a cart, box lunch, dinner social, golf polo, a sleeve of golf balls, a raffle and silent auction. Register here for this event.
  • UW-L Track and Field clinics are open for registration. The Track and Field Clinic is March 1. The Pole Vault Clinic is set for March 8, and the Elite Track and Field Clinic is March 15. For more details about each clinic, click here.
  • The Coulee Chase 5K/3K is scheduled for 10 a.m. March 7. The course begins at Myrick Park Gun Shelter, through the marsh and UW-L’s campus, and finishes at the gun shelter in the park. The run promotes National Athletic Training Month. All proceeds go to the National Athletic Trainers Association Research Foundation and to the Coulee Region Humane Society. Feel free to either run or walk, and you can bring your dog. Like us on Facebook, or register here.
Follow the Eagles anytime online and through social media to have a chance to win prizes at athletic events 
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  • Facebook | uwleagles | Click here for each team
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Campus Kudos artwork. Lisa Caya, Psychology, received certification from the internationally recognized Adult Attachment Institute, University of California Berkeley, after successfully completing a two-week intensive training and an 18-month certification process as a coder.   DiningServicesWEB What’s Happening In Dining Services

Feb. 22-28 is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

The week of Feb. 22-28 is devoted to National Eating Disorder Awareness. The goal of #NEDAwareness Week is to spotlight the seriousness of eating disorders and to improve public understanding of their causes, triggers and treatments. According to the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), the rate of eating disorders has risen to 10 to 20 percent of women and four to 10 percent of men. It is important to increase awareness of eating disorders for early detection and intervention. Providing adequate resources can improve the likelihood of full recovery. The 2015 theme for #NEDAwareness Week focuses on the importance of early intervention. Signs and symptoms are often overlooked. From Feb. 23-27, there will be an informational poster board, media collage display and resources from Counseling & Testing and Registered Dietitian Katie Callahan at the Recreational Eagle Center. Those who display symptoms of an eating disorder are encouraged to reach out to Counseling & Testing or the Health Center. For more information on #NEDAwareness Week, visit — By Registered Dietitian Katie Callahan
In the News artwork.

UW-L in the news

A summary of some of the stories about UW-La Crosse spotted in the news. "Legislators criticize cuts, urge UW-L community to speak out," Feb. 13, La Crosse Tribune. UW-La Crosse Chemistry Professor Adrienne Loh, right, poses a question regarding the proposed higher education budget to a panel of state ... "UW-L students, staff speak out against Gov. Walker's budget plan," Feb. 13, WKBT La Crosse. Students and staff at UW-La Crosse are making their voices heard about ... "It drove me to Wisconsin,” said UW-La Crosse Senior James Dirth. "UW-L to host Spanish film festival starting Monday," Feb. 13, La Crosse Tribune. Starting Monday, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse will host a week-long film festival highlighting five modern, Latin American films that focus on ... "Gay football player gets 'It Gets Better' tattoo after coming out, and being accepted, by his team," Feb. 14, Gay Star News. When he went to college at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, he went back in the closet as he was nervous about meeting so many people. "Michael Haupert: College grads boost economy," Feb. 15, La Crosse Tribune. If that happened, not only would Wisconsin no longer have an NBA team, but it ... is a professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. "UW-L offers financial basics for business workshop," Feb. 15, La Crosse Tribune. Financial statements are a tool to help business owners make key decisions. The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Small Business Development ... "Minnesota, Wisconsin reciprocity hangs in the balance with proposed budget," Feb. 15, UW Badger Herald. Joe Gow, chancellor of UW-La Crosse, said the proposed cuts and tuition freeze will pose a challenge to the university's budget in the coming year. "UW-L rec students work with city park system," Feb. 17. UW-L Recreation Management students worked on a park planning project with the City of La Crosse Parks & Recreation folks last semester.  Turned out quite well and data they collected as well as their improvement suggestions are being used in the next stages of development.

MurphyLibraryNotes artwork.

 On trial: one million highest-quality images

Artstore artwork. UW-L campus has full access to ARTstor, the premier collection of images for teaching and research through Wednesday, March 18. Murphy Library staff are considering subscribing to ARTstor. Comments from UW-L students, faculty and staff are critically important to this process.
  • Connect to ARTstor here or find it featured on the Murphy Library home page
  • Provide comments about ARTstor here
ARTstor is a digital library of nearly one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities and social sciences. The images can be used by students, faculty and staff in a wide variety of disciplines and for many different kinds of projects. Some features include:
  • Collections: Includes hundreds of collections in the arts and sciences from museums, photo archives, artists, artists’ estates, scholars and photographers.
  • Workspace: Users can search, browse, zoom in on images, build an advanced search, filter search results, create image groups and much more.
  • Teaching and Learning:  Applicable to a wide range of subjects and includes Subject Guides and Featured Groups for focused discovery.
  • ARTstor Mobile: Registered users get access to ARTstor Mobile on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The app includes a flashcard study feature.
ARTstor encourages all users to register for an account. Registered users gain increased functionalities including the ability to create image groups, download images to PowerPoint and access the ARTstor Workspace from off site. To see videos showing how to register for accounts and providing usage tips go to  ARTstor‘s YouTube Channel. Contact Collection and Resource Development Librarian John Jax at or 608.785.8567 with questions or comments.
Physical Wellness artwork

Join the Grandad half marathon/5k/cycling and youth race challenge

UW-L is registered for the Grandad half marathon/5k/cycling, and youth race challenge as a corporate team. Be part of the healthiest and most active XL corporation in the La Crosse area. Those who are signed up can email with their name and address to be added to the team. Kate Noelke will pick up packets early so registrants won't have to go down to the fair to get their T-shirts, bibs and tags. UW-L has a 10 percent coupon code available for those who register online and select UW-L Corporate as their employer: "CORP10." Read more.


Dental Defenders Challenge Incentive runs March 1-28

UW-L's first Wellness at Work health challenge for 2015 is about teeth. Dental health is important as exercise or nutrition. According to Mayo Clinic, it is directly connected to overall health in many ways, from heart disease to Alzheimer's.
This challenge focuses on good daily health habits, including brushing and flossing, and will help to establish better dental health habits to:
  • Protect your smile
  • Avoid the unnecessary expense of fillings, crowns or oral surgery
  • Simplify your life (not having to deal with bridges and dentures)
  • Protect your heart, bones and immune systems
Dental Defenders is one of the Wellness at Work challenges developed for workplaces such as UW-L by Health Tradition Health Plan and Mayo Clinic Health System wellness experts.  All employees can participate — you do not need to be in the Health Tradition/Mayo Health Plan. Click tracker for forms for the challenge. Print a form and begin logging activities from March 1-28. At the end of the challenge, send completed form to Deanna Kabliska, Human Resources, 144 Graff Main Hall. Forms received by 4 p.m. Friday, April 3, will be included in a random challenge drawing. Incentive prizes are two travel kits donated by Health Tradition. Tracker artwork. Universal travel kit:  Ready for overnight travel, this kit contains priority items for daily hygiene including toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash, plus many grooming products —comb/mirror, deodorant, razor blade, shaving cream, tissues, hand sanitizer, emery board, bandages, sleep mask and earplugs.
ClassifiedAds artwork.

For sale

Corner computer desk: cherry finish, gray sides, pull out adjustable keyboard tray, 71"L x 71"w, $50. Call 608.721.0260 or email


Volunteers for ergonomic project. Occupational therapy students will review work stations and make recommendations. Contact Robin McCannon, Occupational Therapy Program, at by Friday, Feb. 27, to participate. Students will contact participants in March and arrange times.


Share your news suggestions

Submit your news suggestions using UWL Share by no later than noon on Wednesdays preceding the next Monday's edition.

For more information, contact University Marketing & Communications at 608.785.8487.