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Campus Connection, July 28, 2014

Posted 3:51 p.m. Friday, July 25, 2014

This week's news and events.


Researchers in rex lab explore how dinosaurs once moved

UW-L student Lauren Schultz is working at a computer looking at dinosaur skull images with Eric Snively. Humans outgrow their baby teeth, snakes outgrow their skins, crabs outgrow their shells, and now, explains Eric Snivley, UW-L professor of Biology, we are almost certain that juvenile carnivorous dinosaurs had feathers that some outgrew.Read more »

In this issue:

Announcements & Notices Human Resources Organization for Campus Women Thanks

Students team up to recycle 700 tons of beds

Image of student work crew posing for the camera. A UW-L residence life student work crew is looking both strong and sustainable — after sending about 700 tons of UW-L bed frames to recycling. Each crew member averaged about 67 tons of lifting, carrying and throwing during seven days in July, says Doug Kuenn, assistant director of Residence Life. Read more »
Announcements Notices head

Middle schoolers get hands-on learning in Young Scholars Program

[caption id="attachment_35447" align="alignnone" width="750"]Students in classroom. Students here are learning about life at the nanoscale in the "Molecules of Life" class led by Jennifer Klein, Biology; and Peter Wilker, Microbiology. Photo by UW-L student Hanqing Wu. For more photos of the event see .[/caption] College kids look younger every year, right? Some students on campus this summer actually are younger than the typical college age. Area youth were on campus July 14-18 working alongside UW-L faculty and experts in the Young Scholars week-long program. The program promotes learning through hands-on activities in areas from the arts to the sciences.  Find out more about youth programs at

Professionals hone skills through wetland delineation workshops

[caption id="attachment_35448" align="alignright" width="350"]Students looking at data log in wetlands. Students receive more in-depth training in the Advanced Wetland Delineation Workshop held July 17 and 18. Photo by UW-L student Hanqing Wu. For more photos see[/caption] Anyone planning development projects need to know the exact boundaries of wetlands. UW-L's Continuing Education and Extension coordinates Wetland Delineation Workshops for engineers, planners, scientists, resource managers, local and tribal officials, and other interested parties who deal with wetland delineation in Wisconsin. Workshops held from March through August combine classroom instruction with field exercises taught by leading government experts in hydrology, vegetation, soils and wetland policy. Find out more about Wetland Delineation Workshops at  

poster image for Employee Enrichment Day.‘Employee Enrichment Day’ is Tuesday, July 29

Prime chance to get ready for the upcoming academic year If you haven’t registered for “Employee Enrichment Day,” you still can — or you can show up to attend sessions. "Employee Enrichment Day" runs from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, in Cartwright Center. Registration isn’t required, but is encouraged to assist planning. To see session descriptions and register visit: The day features two keynote presentations: Jason Kotecki on “Escape Adulthood: Living & Working with Less Stress and More Success” and Carol Ebert on “Living Low GI in a High GI World: 10 Step Glycemic Stress Management Program that Could Save your Life!” There are also eight other sessions repeated throughout the day that will help prepare you for another academic year. Sessions are free, with funding from classified and academic staff professional development grants. Chancellor Gow welcomes employees to attend; work with supervisors to ensure staffing coverage. The Employee Enrichment Day Committee includes:
  • Amanda Goodenough
  • Tammy Haakenson
  • Brad Quarberg
  • Kathy Ring
  • Cyndi Taylor
  • Bob Wilson
  • Becky Yoshizumi

Get surplus pickup requests to Campus Stores by Aug. 8

Campus Stores is accepting surplus property for resale and disposal throughout the summer months. To turn over items:
  • Clearly mark all items as “surplus."
  • Complete and submit the Surplus Property Form to Facilities Management.  For help with this, call 608.785.8643.
  • Place items in an easily accessible area, such as the hallway or loading dock.
  • Clean out desks, file cabinets (include keys) and shelving units prior to pick up.
Surplus items are available for purchase only through the Wisconsin Surplus Auction Site. Submit surplus pickup requests before Friday, Aug. 8, to aid in the removal of items prior to the beginning of fall classes. For more information, call Campus Stores at 608.785.8643. Human Resources artwork.

Remember Classified breakfast July 29

Remember, the Classified Excellence Appreciation Breakfast is from 7:15 to 9 a.m. Tuesday, July 29, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.  The program begins at 8 a.m.   OCW artwork.

OCW is accepting nominations for 2014 YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women

Nominations due Aug. 11 UW-L’s Organization of Campus Women Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the 2014 YWCA of the Coulee Region Tribute to Outstanding Woman Award. The award recognizes and honors women from the Coulee Region who have demonstrated qualities of outstanding leadership and excellence in their professional and personal endeavors in accordance with the mission of the YWCA. Nominated women should reflect YWCA’s mission: “YWCA of the Coulee Region is dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women.” The award criteria changed in 2009 to include more demonstrated involvement in the assistance in the elimination or reduction of racism. Nominees must be associated with UW-L as faculty, academic or classified staff or students. No self-nominations will be accepted. Awards have traditionally honored women’s contributions in the following areas: non-profit, business/professions, health, education, activist, volunteer, trail blazer, Young Woman of Tomorrow (college or high school student) and “other” category, which may include community development or sports, for example. Email nominations, along with a brief statement indicating why they are being nominated, by Monday, Aug. 11, to Jaralee Richter at
Thanks artwork. Thank you, everyone, for your expressions of sympathy following the death of my father. The flowers, cards, memorial donations and kind words have been very much appreciated. — Kathy Schultz, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies; and Ethnic and Racial Studies


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