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Campus Connection, March 25, 2013

Posted 8:41 p.m. Friday, March 22, 2013

This week's news and events.


Five building projects at UW-L approved

Drawing of Student Union.

Four of the projects to be funded by student, user and program fees

The State Building Commission has approved five building projects at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for the 2013-15 biennium. On March 21, the commission approved $155.8 million in projects. They include $82 million for a new science lab building, funded by state tax dollars, and $8.4 million for a chilled water plant on the west side of campus, funded half by state tax dollars and half by program revenue. Three other projects would be funded by student and user fees, and campus program revenue: $53.3 million for a new student center, $7.6 million for an additional two levels to the parking ramp being constructed, and $4.5 million for a gymnastics and storage facility. Read more »

In this issue:

Announcements & Notices Athletics Campus Kudos Thanks Classifieds

Comedian Jessi Campbell to perform at UW-L

Jessi Campbell photo.
Award-winning comedian Jessi Campbell will take the stage at the UW-La Crosse. She will perform at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 28, in the Cellar, Cartwright Center. Read more »

Exploring La Crosse? No vehicle, no problem!

Bus graphic.

 A big challenge for students living on campus is transportation. Want to head downtown on a Saturday afternoon but don’t feel like walking? Need some toiletries from Walmart but your friend with a car went home for the weekend? Though not having a car on campus can be a big issue for students, both the city of La Crosse and UW-L offer solutions. Read more »

Student reflects on week featuring UW-L on Twitter

 Twitter bird. Twitter users worldwide got an inside view of life at UW-L for the week of March 11, thanks to UW-L Senior Melissa Moss. She took over the UW System “@UWpowersMe” Twitter* account to represent the campus in an ongoing Knowledge Powers Wisconsin social media campaign.  Read more »

Odd findings

Wisconsin natives share unique video footage

Cartoon drawn garbage can spewing out men and videos.  Two Wisconsin natives will share some of their odd video findings during “The Found Footage Festival” at UW-La Crosse. Read more »
Announcements Notices head

 An overview of UW-L's international students

UW-L international students come from 35 countries and have a $9.2 million economic impact. View the info graphic »

Mayoral debate set at UW-L for March 25

City of La Crosse mayoral candidates Doug Farmer and Tim Kabat will hold a debate at UW-L. The debate is set for 7-8 p.m. Monday, March 25, in Port O’ Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Read more »

UW-L acappella ensembles plan Beatles tribute March 26

UW-L’s four Vocal Jazz Ensembles will give “An Almost Acappella Tribute To The Beatles.” The ensembles will perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, in Annett Recital Hall, Center of the Arts.  Read more »
Autism consultant Alyson Beytien to speak at UW-L March 28
An autism consultant and behavior specialist will give a presentation at UW-L. Alyson Beytien speaks on “What do I do tomorrow? Five keys to supporting a child with autism” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 28, in 1400 Centennial Hall. Admission is free. Read more »

Earth Week Poster. Countdown to Earth Week Film Festival begins March 28

Four documentary films that highlight environmental and sustainability issues will be featured in the “Countdown to Earth Week Film Festival.” All films will be shown at 7 1309 Centennial Hall and are free and open to the public.Film dates and films include: Thursday, March 28 — "Gasland" focuses on communities in the U.S. that have been impacted by hydrofracturing or “fracking” used when drilling for natural gas. Thursday, April 11 — "Queen of the Sun" investigates multiple angles of the recent honey bee epidemic colony collapse disorder. Tuesday, April 23 — "Switch" unites audiences in a shared understanding of energy and promoting efficiency. Thursday, April 25 — "Chasing Ice" is the story of the Extreme Ice Survey and James Balog’s mission to gather undeniable photographic evidence of climate change. UW-L's Students for Sustainability is sponsoring the festival. For more information or accommodations contact

Gotye is featured band at March 29 Album Encounters

The Album Encounters multimedia light and laser show will feature Gotye's "Making Mirrors"at 8 p.m. Friday, March 29, in 20 Cowley Hall. Admission is $4. To find out more, contact Bob Allen at or 785.8669. See more about the Planetarium at

Jeans Day is Friday, March 29

Jeans Day artwork. Wear your LIVEMAROON gear! UW-L is one of many local organizations that participate in the monthly “Jeans Day” sponsored by the La Crosse Tribune. One or two local charities or organizations are designated each month to receive our donations.  In return for a $1 (suggested donation) UW-L employees may wear jeans to work Friday, March 29. You may contribute even if you don’t wear jeans. Also wear your LIVEMAROON T-shirt or other maroon clothing to show your campus spirit. This is a small way for us to join together and give back big to our local community.  Let’s show our community how generous we can be! In February UW-L raised $76. The charities receiving the March contributions are the Women’s Clothes Closet and Habitat for Humanity. Drop $1 donations off with one of the following building contacts:
  • Cindy Curran, 212 Cartwright Center
  • Laurie Collison, 4206 Centennial Hall
  • Laurie Malloney, Cleary Alumni & Friends Center
  • Karen Ott, 2004 Cowley Hall
  • Carol Beckerjeck, Eagle Hall
  • Victoria Rahn, 117 Graff Main Hall
  • Kathy Olson, 203 Mitchell Hall
  • Chandra Hawkins, 220 Morris Hall
  • Ingrid Iverson, 107 Murphy Library
  • Ann Reman, Physical Plant
  • Karen Kindschy, Student Health Center
  • Vickie Bain, 120 Wimberly Hall
  • Josh Kraft, 162 Wing
If there isn’t a contact in your building, forward your donation to Jeans Day Coordinator Vickie Bain, Small Business Development Center, 120 Wimberly Hall. To become a coordinator, contact Bain at or 785.8646. Feminist, Activist-in-Residence Jennifer Baumgardner on campus April 1-3 Feminist, Activist-in-Residence Jennifer Baumgardner will be on campus for a series of events Monday through Wednesday, April 1-3:
  • Monday, April 1, 7 p.m. — 1400 Centennial Hall — Film Screening of "I Had an Abortion" followed by Q&A
  • Tuesday, April 2, 4 p.m. — 2305 Centennial Hall — Feminist Activism Workshop
  • Tuesday, April 2, 7.30 p.m. —  1400 Centennial Hall — Film screening of "It Was Rape" followed by Q&A
  • Wednesday, April 3, 4 p.m. — 1400 Centennial Hall — Lecture "Current Issues in the Gay Rights Movement(s)"
Baumgardner is a filmmaker, activist, writer and lecturer whose work explores abortion, sex, bisexuality, rape, single parenthood and women’s power. She is the author of five books: "Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics," which was nominated for a Lambda Award;  "Abortion and Life;" and the essay collection "F ‘em! Goo Goo, Gaga, and Some Thoughts on Balls;" as well as the best-selling books about feminism written with Amy Richards —"Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future;" and Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism.  In 2003, the Commonwealth Club of California honored her as a “Visionary for the 21st Century.” The events are sponsored by the College of Liberal Studies Inclusive Excellence grant, Violence Prevention Office, Women’s Studies Student Association, Campus Climate and Diversity Office, AAUW-La Crosse Branch, and the departments of English; Health Education and Health Promotion; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Psychology; and Communication Studies. For more information, contact Mahruq Khan at

Passenger van training slated for April 2

Passenger van training is being offered for faculty, staff and students who are planning on driving for UW-L-related trips that require 12 - 15 passenger vans. The training begins at 8 a.m. Tuesday, April 2, at the Facilities Management conference room. Training will be approximately 2.5 hours. The sessions are limited to eight people. Cost is $60 for new training or $40 for a refresher course. For more information and to register, call Kelley at 785.8586 or email The next training course after this one will be offered in fall of 2013.

RHAC Blood Battle artwork. RHAC to sponsor Blood Battle: 2013 blood drive April 2, 4

UW-L's Residence Hall Association Council (RHAC) is sponsoring an American Red Cross blood drive competition on campus Tuesday, April 2, and  Thursday, April 4. Donate blood between 11 a.m.-6 p.m.  on April 2 in UW-L's Eagle Residence Hall and on April 4 in UW-L Hutchinson Residence Hall. Donors can donate in the residence hall of their choice. The residence hall with the most donors will be declared No. 1.
Donors will receive a free T-shirt. To make an appointment, go to  or call 1-800-RED CROSS. The sponsor code is RHAC Blood Battle.

Civil, human rights focus of spring The Catalyst; submissions due April 4

In honor of the 30th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, the editors of The Catalyst are seeking submissions for the spring publication based around the theme of civil and human rights. All types of creative works from those in the La Crosse area are accepted, such as prose, poetry, art, photography and music. Submit original works to the student-run publication no later than Thursday, April 4. Submissions outside the theme will be considered. Email questions, comments or concerns to this email address as well. To view The Catalyst's website go to

Book discussion on white privilege set for April 4

A book discussion group is open to anyone who wants to discuss white privilege. The group will discuss the book “The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism, and White Privilege” by Robert Jensen from 11 a.m. to noon, Thursday, April 4, in 3200 Centennial Hall. Lynette Prieur Lo, Student Support Services, will welcome attendees and provide a brief overview of the book. The following members of the campus community will lead discussion on the book’s seven chapters:
  1. Introduction: "Just a Joke"  — Teri Talpe, Murphy Library
  2. "Race Words and Race Stories" — UW-L student Yang Cha Thao
  3. "Facing the Truth: Past, Present, and Future" — Carrie Bero, Residence Life
  4. "The Emotions of White Supremacy: Fear, Guilt, and Anger" — Matt Evensen, Campus Climate
  5. "Playing the Fool" — Maryke Taute, Residence Life
  6. "Against Diversity, For Politics" — Connie Vanderhyden, Multicultural Student Services
  7. Conclusion: "White People’s Burden" — Laurie Cooper Stoll, Sociology/Archaeology

ATP logo artwork. Awareness through Performance accepting applications through April 5

To Do list. Campus Climate is currently accepting student applications for UW-L's fall 2013 Awareness through Performance troupe! Interested students can apply by clicking “Join ATP” at The deadline to apply is 4 p.m. Friday, April 5. Students in ATP use the stage as a forum to promote greater consciousness around social justice, diversity and climate issues on the UW-L campus and beyond. To learn more about ATP, visit

Kenya artwork. Students to share experiences of Kenya, Africa, at April 5 brown bag lunch

Students will share experiences of their Kenya Make A Difference trip at a brown bag lunch presentation from noon-1 p.m. Friday, April 5, in the Ward Room, Cartwright Center. The presentation will include their itinerary, stories, pictures and a question-and-answer session. Bring a lunch to eat during the presentation. Donate an old cell phone. One cell phone supports a Kenyan child’s schooling for a year.

River City Mile artwork. Register for River City Mile before April 19 for discount

Register by Thursday, April 18, for $18 for the River City Mile run walk. Or register the day of the race for $20. Cash and credit cards are accepted. The one mile walk/run is set for Friday, April 19, at the Pettibone Park Gazebo with a wave start at 6 p.m. Packet pickup is from 5-6 p.m. All proceeds benefit UW-L's Physical Activity Mentoring Program for Persons with Disabilities. Find out more and register online at

Registration open for Northwest Earth Institute’s 2013 Biannual Conference

Learn about and share best practices on sustainability from leaders across the nation at the Northwest Earth Institute’s 2013 Biannual Conference. "Cultivating a Community of Leaders" will be held Thursday through Sunday, July 18-21, at UW-L. NWEI partners, community organizers, faculty and students will explore the relationship between leadership and change — what it means to be a leader in sustainability and how to transform personal networks into communities of change. For more information and to register visit or call 503.227.2807. The conference is co-hosted by Coulee Partners for Sustainability. Download a poster PDF here: .nwei.

Volunteers needed to share financial stories in video testimonial series

The “It MakeCents!” team seeks volunteers to tell their financial stories in a series of video testimonials on real-life financial experiences. “It MakeCents!,” a financial literacy program at UW-L, provides students with knowledge, skills and resources to understand personal finance and stay proactive in areas such as:
  • determining financial aid options
  • repaying loans
  • fostering spending awareness
  • developing a comprehensive and holistic budget
  • acquiring appropriate banking knowledge
  • understanding progressive ways to pay off debt
  • paying off credit card debt
  • maintaining a good credit report
  • and setting up retirement accounts
Through the videotaped true-life testimonials students will see how financial hardships and triumphs affected the lives of peers, faculty, staff, and others who have graduated or attended college and taken out student loans. Stories about any of the “It MakeCents!” core competencies — budgeting, credit, saving/ banking, identity protection, or paying for college — are welcome. To find out more, contact Aaron Knapp at or Jen Weber at, both Financial Aid.

Heating plant shutdown slated for May 18-26

Mark your calendars for the heating plant shutdown dates for scheduled maintenance and repairs. The heating plant will be off line starting at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 18, until 10 p.m. Sunday, May 26. During the shutdown there will be no steam distribution services available to any campus buildings. Subsequently, cage washers, autoclaves and other steam supplied equipment will be affected.  Plan accordingly in anticipation of this maintenance event. For more information contact Heating Plant Superintendent Timothy Merrell at 785.8710. UW-L Athletics artwork.

Upcoming news and events

Athletics marketing internships now available. Apply by Friday, April 5.  Click here for more information Position Description Internship Application

Wednesday, March 27

2013 L-Club Spring Sports Kick-Off, 5- 7 p.m., Eagles Nest Eagles All Access Radio Show, 5:30 p.m., Eagles Nest A weekly radio show sponsored by the L-Club and highlighting UW-L Athletics is broadcast from the Eagle’s Nest every Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Classic Rock 100.1.

Monday, April 1

Maroon Mondays at Buffalo Wild Wings11 a.m.-close 3132 Market Place, Onalaska Event coupon here Must bring coupon for UW-L Athletics to benefit from promotion

Tuesday, April 2 

Eagles Eat & Greet at Howie’s, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 1128 La Crosse St. Featuring the UW-L Softball team
Men's Tennis vs. Milwaukee School of Engineering, Wis., 3 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex (weather permitting) or at the Mitchell Hall Fieldhouse

Wednesday, April 3

Baseball vs. UW-Stout (DH), 1 p.m. Click here for baseball promotions calendar at the North Campus Field

Thursday, April 4

Baseball vs. Viterbo University, 4:30 p.m. Click here for Softball promotions calendar at the North Campus Field (tentative location, view for location updates)

Friday, April 5, and Saturday, April 6

Men's & Women's Outdoor Track & Field Ashton May Invitational, Friday, April 5, 3 p.m., Saturday, April 6, 11 a.m.  at the Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex, SENIOR Citizen PROM Come as a couple or single ready to mingle. Mitchell Hall Field House, 1820 Pine St. Invitation to senior citizens of the La Crosse Community to come enjoy a free night of music, dancing, and fun activities with UW-La Crosse Student-Athletes! For more information call: 608.785.8616

Saturday, April 6

Men's Tennis & Women's Tennis vs. Wartburg College, Iowa, 10 a.m. vs. UW-Oshkosh, 4 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex (weather permitting) or at the Mitchell Hall Field house Softball vs. UW-Stout (DH), 2 p.m. at the North Campus Field (tentative location, view for location updates) Click here for softball promotions calendar

Sunday, April 7

Softball vs. UW-River Falls (DH), noon at the North Campus Field (tentative location, view for location updates) Click here for softball promotions calendar

Monday, April 8

18th Annual College Basketball Celebration, Roundball Rumble on the River at the Waterfront's Cargill Room Doors Open/Cocktails: 6 p.m. | Dinner: 7 p.m. | Championship Game Tip-off: 8 p.m. $75 per ticket (Click here for more information) Only 300 tickets available. Purchase here.

Thursday through Saturday, May 23-25

Volunteers needed NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships Click here for more information Click here for volunteer registration Questions: or 608.317.8957

Monday, June 17

12th Annual L-Club Eagle Eye Open Golf Outing at the La Crosse Country Club Featuring UW-L teams at each hole Click here for more information
  • Follow the Athletic Director on Twitter: @UWLAXAD
Eaglez Kidz Klub | Group Outings | Get Involved | Maroon Platoon | Mascot | Tickets | Events & Promotions | L-Club | Donate   Campus Kudos artwork.   Jeff C. Bryan, Chemistry, published the second edition of his textbook "Introduction to Nuclear Science" with CRC Press. The second edition was made possible because of the relatively high sales of the first. It is a significant expansion, with greater coverage of nuclear power, nuclear forensics, radiation dosimetry and gamma cameras.  A 60-page appendix of nuclear data was also added, which was compiled by student Kelsey Schilawski. Mark W. Chavalas, History, spoke on "Women in Ancient Syrian Letters" in a public lecture March 18 at California State University, Northridge, Calif. Congratulations, Coate Hall residents and staff on success of the St. Baldrick's fundraiser. More than 150 participants shaved or had their hair cut. The hair went to various organizations to make wigs. The group raised $23,929. Coate Hall Residence Assistant Rachel Ross chaired the project. She worked with about 25 fellow Coate residents and staff. They received support from the Office of Residence Life, National Residence Hall Honorary and Residence Hall Association Council. Thanks artwork.  

Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan Healthcare thanks UW-L student organization for teddy bears

Thank you UW-L's student organization Volunteering Within for collecting teddy bears and tossing them to the Emergency and Urgent Care Center at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse March 8. Our patients and staff appreciate the generosity shown by your group. — Kevin Buelow, MSPM, Senior Communications Consultant Marketing Communications, Division of Business Development Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan Healthcare ClassifiedAds artwork.  

For sale

Used right-handed golf clubs. Set of Titleist DCI 990s irons (No. 3 pitching wedge). Set of knock-off irons (Dynacraft) (No. 3-pitching wedge, sand wedge, and 60 degree). Set of knock-off metals (Dynacraft) (Driver, No. 3, and No. 5 fairways metals). Email or call 785.5415.


Share your news suggestions

Submit your news suggestions using UWL Share by no later than noon on Wednesdays preceding the next Monday's edition.

For more information, contact University Marketing & Communications at 608.785.8487.