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Campus Connection, May 6, 2013

Posted 9:27 p.m. Sunday, May 5, 2013

This week's news and events.


Grad’s future plans will help fill doctor shortage; UW-L May graduate Jordan Ludwigson

Image of Jordan Ludwigson About 28 percent of Wisconsinites live in rural areas, but only 11 percent of the state’s physicians practice in rural communities. Filling the need for physicians in more remote locations is an ongoing challenge statewide and nationally. Read more »

In this issue:

Announcements & Notices Athletics Campus Kudos In The News Classifieds

Brent Smith to earn honorary degree from UW-La Crosse; retiring regent recognized for supporting university’s mission

Brent Smith photo. La Crosse Attorney Brent Smith has supported UW-La Crosse — and higher education — throughout his nearly decade on the UW System Board of Regents. Now he will have a degree from the campus too. Read more 

UW-L Orchestra sets concert

UW-L Orchestra sets concert
The UW-L Orchestra will perform a spring concert featuring works by an artist in residence at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 10, at Christ Episcopal Church, Main and Ninth streets in La Crosse. Read more »

Campus-wide scream set for finals week

Campus Scream artwork.

‘3D Days at Murphy Library’ will introduce new director

Librarians have a reputation for telling people to be quiet. But during UW-L’s first day of final exams, they’ll be encouraging students to scream. It’s all part of the second annual “Finals Scream” where students, faculty and staff can get a little relief from the stress of finals. The therapeutic, campus wide “Finals Scream” takes place at noon Monday, May 13, at Hoeschler Tower. UW-L Chancellor Joe Gow will lead the scream that is expected to last about a minute. Read more 

Students team up with landlords, others for a no-waste move-out day; Dumpster Diversion will help keep the city clean during move out time

Garbage bags and trash cans.

UW-La Crosse students are teaming up with local landlords, area businesses and other community groups to divert slightly used goods from dumpsters during move out time. The groups are organizing a second annual Dumpster Diversion for two consecutive Saturdays in May. Read more »

Local nutritionist among awardees for statewide health education, promotion

Gary Gilmore, chair of Wisconsin Health Education Network and UW-L professor of Health Education & Health Promotion, presents the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award to Linda Lee, nutrition manager for the La Crosse County Health Department. Gary Gilmore, right, chair of Wisconsin Health Education Network and UW-L professor of Health Education & Health Promotion, presented the Barbara A. Lange Memorial Award to Linda Lee, nutrition manager for the La Crosse County Health Department for making a difference in the health of Wisconsinites. Read more »
Announcements Notices head  

Students receive about $450,000 in scholarships at Student Scholarship and Award program

Chancellor Gow with scholarship recipient and parent.
 About 400 scholarships totaling about $450,000 were awarded to UW-L students during the Student Scholarship and Award program Monday, April 29, in Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. UW-L Chancellor Joe Gow is pictured here with Keeley McConaughey, right, and her mother, Patricia. Keeley received three scholarships: The William Hyde Scholarship for English, The Jean Foss & Norene Smith OCW Scholarship and The Gund Family Scholarship.
[caption id="attachment_23127" align="alignright" width="300"]Two at table laughing. UW-L student Dewayne Wrencher, left, who works in the Office of Multicultural Student Services, along with Student Services Coordinator Tou Chia Yang, enjoyed ice cream and chitchat at the May 2 LIVEMAROON Get-Together.[/caption]  

Ice cream draws employees to LIVEMAROON May 2

Despite the weather, more than 100 UW-L employees and students working on campus got together for ice cream and camaraderie at LIVEMAROON Thursday, May 2, in the Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall. LIVEMAROON door prize winners for T-shirts include: Faculty/Staff
  • Jeremiah Collins
  • Christina Hayes
  • Jen Holman
  • Sarah Lechner
  • Al Patton
  • Lynette Prieur
  • Victoria Rahn
  • Joshua Rybaski
  • Jeanne Voss
  • Lynn Weiland
  • Aspyn Breuer
  • Shizuka Ikeyama
  • Leticia Mendoza
  • Mai Bao Thao
  • Mai Mao Yang
LIVEMAROON is a campus-wide effort to highlight the passion, friendship, community and pride found at UW-L. The initiative is coordinated and sponsored by Campus Climate, Classified Staff Council, University Communications and University Police. University Dining Services has funded the beverages and treats. No taxpayer dollars are used to fund the event. Get more on LIVEMAROON at: The next LIVEMAROON Get-Together is set for 2-3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, in the Lindner Forest Gazebo (rain site: Cameron Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall).

2013-14 Student Senate elected

UW-L students have voted for and elected the 2013-14 Student Senate. Students and their positions include:
  • Nick Bezier, Student Association President
  • Riley Karlstrand, Student Association Vice President
  • Jordan Fay, Residence Hall Association Council President

Capstone Colloquia for Honors in Archaeology research results set for May 6, 8

Twelve Archaeology majors will present the results of their Honors Theses in Archaeology from 4-6 p.m. Monday, May 6, and Wednesday, May 8, in 312 Wimberly Hall. Each presentation will be 15 minutes and include a brief period for questions directly following the presentation. Presenters and their presentations include:    Monday, May 6 
  • Dominick Del Ponte — "Modeling Settlement Location in the Troad Using Geographic Information Systems"
  • Sarah Breiter — "The Reuse of Monastic Materials in Post-Dissolution Contexts at Thornton Abbey"
  • Sarah Sodemann — "Early Hominin Evolution and the Transition to Bipedalism in Humans"
  • Brittany Viviani — "Stasis in the Population of  Metaponto: Analysis of Environment, Health, and Political Unrest"
  • Robert Reis — "Hopewell Panpipe Music, Art, and Expression: An Exploration of Music in Hopewell Culture"
  • Megan Lorene — "Examining Representations of the Great Irish Famine; The Contribution of Rural Household Archaeology"
Wednesday, May 8
  • Hannah Lingenfelter — "Asherah and Figurines: How the Worship of a Goddess Affected the Activities of Women in Iron Age II Megiddo"
  • Jeri Bohac — "Adaïma Settlement Burials: Giving the Burials Context"
  • Megan Schwalenberg — "A Comparative Analysis of the Dental Health of Two Middle Woodland Burial Populations in the Lower Illinois Valley"
  • Kate Norgon — "Identifying Mortuary Ritual and Ancestor Veneration: A Spatial Analysis of the Tombs at Hualcayán"
  • Kyndra Beatty — "Mass Burials of the Holocaust"
  • Jaclyn Meagher — "Violence and Trauma in the Wari Heartland: A Study of One Civilization's Treatment of Their People"

History student research symposium slated for May 6

UW-L's History Department is showcasing undergraduates' research at the Spring 2013 UW-L History Student Symposium on Monday, May 6.
The students' work is a culmination of their experience as UW-L History majors ending in a capstone history research seminar. The event is open to the public and begins at 3:20 p.m. in the Cameron Hall of NationsCentennial Hall.  A brief question-and-answer period follows each presentation. Refreshments will be served. Drop in for any or all presentations. Presenters and presentations include:
  • 3:20 p.m. — Nick Larocco  — "Ancient Dragon Slayers: Chaos and Conquest in the Ancient Near East"
  • 3:35 p.m. — Taylor Wermund — "From the 'Famous Impostor' to the 'Hunt for Terrorists.' The Changing Portrayal of the Middle East in American School Textbooks from 1850-Present"
  • 3:50 p.m. — Jacob Ellefsen  — "This is Scripted: 'The Orientalist Narrative of the U.S. Government Leading Up to the Iraq War and the U.S. Media'"
  • 4:05 p.m. — Ryan Schmidt  — "What in the World is a Lebanon?: The Development of Lebanese Identity and Nationalism from 1900 to 1975"
  • 4:20 p.m. — Theresa Dietzel  — "Solidarity Through Posters: A Perspective on the Palestine Liberation Movement Through Art During the Second Intifada"
  • 4:35 p.m. — Elizabeth Brunner  — "What a Difference Between an Oriental and a European Woman!: European Female Travel Writers in the Middle East, 1842-1915"
  • 4:50-5:05 p.m. Break
  • 5:05 p.m.  — Darrin Petersen  — "New Times Same Story: A Study of Orientalism in a Modern American Newspaper"
  • 5:20 p.m. — Amanda Drummond — "Huda Shaarawi: Egyptian Feminist and Authentic Woman?"
  • 5:35 p.m. — Jacob Botsford — "On Three Varying Media Representations of Hezbollah During the 2006 Lebanon War"
  • 5:50 p.m. — Brent Thill — "Christianity's Tourniquet: The Council of Nicaea"
  • 6:05 p.m.  — James Minor  — "Islamic Attitudes Towards Latin Outremer"
For more information, contact Heidi Morrison at

 Final three English Capstone Colloquia are May 7-9

The English Department will hold three Capstone Colloquia for English Majors in Rhetoric and Writing and Literature this week.  A brief question-and-answer period follows each presentation. Light refreshments will be served. The colloquia are free and open to the public. Attend any or all of the presentations. Presenters and presentations include: Tuesday, May 7, in 259 Cartwright Center      Rhetoric and Writing Capstone Colloquium: 9-10:30 a.m.
  • Olivia Allen — “Like us on Facebook. A look at Social Media in Today's Economy”
  • Rose Davey — “Growing Pains: Capitalism and the Commerce of Hurt”
  • Michael Gibson — “Redundancy, Mediocrity, and Merit in Online Culture”
  • Xiaoqi Wu — “Do Translators need to be Creative?”
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Caleb Brown — “Missing the Meaning”
  • Megan Couch — “An Analysis of The Utilization of Social Networking in the College and University Setting”
  • Melissa Holen — “Affirmative Action: A Progressive Initiative or An Outdated Program?”
  • Mitch Marty — “Control of Cultural Objects in the Digital Marketplace”
 Wednesday, May 8, in 3214 Centennial Hall      Literature Capstone Colloquium: 8:45-10:40 a.m.
  • Ashley Dillard — “Questioning the Boundaries of Humanity: Gender and Species in Chaucer's ‘Parliament of Fowls’”
  • Amber Griffin — “'Crime and Punishment’s' Ambiguities through a Sociological Lens”
  • Phillip Hernandez — “'Crash': A Linguistic Analysis of the Impact of Race on Language”
  • Rachael Hillegass — “Food as a Means of Feminine Resistance in Sylvia Plath’s 'The Bell Jar'
  • Patrick Lee — “Decentering Ellison and Eliot: Implications of Intertextuality”
  • Ryan O'Grady — “The Heritage of Spanish, the Importance of English, and the Language of Assimilation: A Study of Spanglish and its Role in Benjamin Alire Sáez's 'Sammy & Juliana in Hollywood'
  • Sarah Pedretti — “Nature and Human Relations: William Wordsworth’s 'The Prelude' through Humanist, Post-Humanist, and Christian Stewardship Perspectives”
  • Teresa Turner — “The Transition of Fairy Tales from Then to Now”
  • Andrew Wolcott — “Blood in the Gutters: Trauma and Time in Spiegelman's 'Maus'
Thursday, May 9, in 259 Cartwright Center      Rhetoric and Writing Capstone Colloquium: 9-10:30 a.m.
  • Elizabeth Bowman — “The Emergence of Digital Art: Breaking New Ground and Dissociating the Human”
  • Natalie Goodman — ”(De)constructing the Gender Binary”
  • David Briggs — “The Compensation of Independence: How Digital Media and Direct Sales Are Finally Making Creativity Both Popular and Practical”
  • Xi Ming Yu — “Crisis on Public Transportation: Analyses and Suggestions”
  • Rebecca Franzel — “Voices Behind the Screen: Social Change Through Anonymity or Pseudonymity in the Digital Age”
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • Emily Jones — “Technical Communication and Perceptions on Disability”
  • Lindsey Casto — “Choosing your Words Wisely: Rhetorical Ethics in Technical and Professional Writing”
  • Amanda Specktor — “The Value of the Arts and Arts Education”
  • Nicole Meulemans — “Language Revolution through Digital Technology”

Roadside clean-up set for May 7

UW-L's Adopt-A-Highway clean-up crew has set its first clean-up of the spring. Work gets underway around 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, at the intersection of Korn Clements Road and Highway 33. The more than 2-mile route on Highway 33 travels through Middle Ridge to Korn Coulee Road, near the La Crosse-Monroe county line. The group meets for a potluck reception following the clean-up. Bring a dish to pass. The crew is open to all university employees and retirees, and their families. Participants should wear appropriate clothing and gloves. For more information or to participate, Contact Brad Quarberg at or 785.8572.

Applebee's to give teachers a free entree on May 7, Applebee's Teacher Appreciation Day

In celebration of National Teacher’s Day on Tuesday, May 7, 38 Wisconsin Applebee’s restaurants will offer teachers — currently teaching or retired — a free select entrée during regular business hours. No purchase is necessary. Find out more at and

Tom Hench retirement reception to be held May 8

A retirement reception will be held for Tom Hench, chair of the Management Department in the College of Business Administration, from 3-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, in 409 Wimberly Hall, the fourth floor employee lounge.

Kathy Olson retirement reception planned for May 9

A retirement reception for Kathy Olson, Health Education/Health Promotion, will be held from 2:30-5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 9, in the Ward Room, Cartwright Center.

Relaxation Extravaganza is Thursday, May 9

Students can take a break for UW-L’s Relaxation Extravaganza from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, May 9, in Port O' Call, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. RelPet therapy dogs, free massages, yoga, coloring activities, great music, healthy food, prize drawings and more will be available.

UW-L Bookstore to hold End-of-School-Year Clearance Sale Friday, May 10

Get 25 percent to 75 percent off select items at the UW-L Bookstore End-of-School-Year Clearance Sale. The sale runs from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, May 10, in the Bookstore Hall in the Cartwright Center basement hall outside the Bookstore. Items on sale include select clothing, gifts, supplies, jewelry and books.

UW Research Fellows deadline extended to May 10

The deadline to apply for access to UW-Madison's research databases through the University of Wisconsin Libraries Research Fellows program has been extended to noon Friday, May 10. The Research Fellows program grants access to UW-Madison Libraries' large collection of electronic resources to faculty and staff at other UW System schools. Eight faculty and/or research staff members at UW-L who demonstrate that they would benefit from the use of research materials not available at UW-L will be given a NetID and password that will provide access for one year starting  June 2013. Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff can submit a proposal online at The proposal form asks applicants to identify the UW-Madison resources that are not available at UW-L that they are likely to use. To assist with identifying these resources, review UW-Madison journal holdings at and databases at Murphy Library journal holdings are available at and databases can be browsed at A review committee of Faculty Senate Library Committee members will select Fellows based on research interests and how those match with resources unique to UW-Madison Libraries. This is the final year of the Research Fellows program, which was created in 2010 by the Council of University of Wisconsin Libraries (CUWL). For more information about the program, contact Collection and Resource Development Librarian John Jax at

First Greek Life study-a-thon set for May 11

Students can join the Greeks of La Crosse to study and relax from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, May 11, in 3211, 3212 and 3215 Centennial Hall. Two rooms will be set up for studying. A third room will have snacks and beverages. Greek organizations will host a 10-minute study break at the end of every hour. Participating chapters and their events include:
  • Sig Tau Gamma: Charades Down the Line
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Funny Youtube Videos
  • Alpha Phi: Zumba Dancing
  • Alpha Sigma Phi: Nerf Gun Carnival Game
  • Alpha Xi Delta: Coloring Books
  • Delta Sigma Phi: Spoons Tournament
  • Chi Phi: Indoor Bags Tournament

Financial Services New E-commerce System training available May 28, 29

UW-L is transitioning to a new e-commerce system beginning in June. Departments that currently order from Staples, Fisher Scientific, VWR, Sigma-Aldrich, Grainger and Airgas will be affected by this transition. The new system, Shop@UW, is an e-commerce system hosted by UW-Madison.    Shop@UW is comparable to an e-commerce site such as that allows users to search items and compare prices from various vendors. Orders processed through Shop@UW are billed directly to a department’s account, thus eliminating the need to use procurement cards or purchase orders for these transactions. Training will be available Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28 and 29. Watch the Campus Connection for detailed information about times and locations. For more information, contact UW-L Purchasing Director De Anne Otto at 785.8724 or .

Mark your calendar for the June 3 Multicultural Scholarship Golf Outing

UW-L's 14th Annual Multicultural Scholarship Golf Outing will be held Monday, June 3, at Pine Creek Golf Course, Highway 33 East, La Crescent. The four-person scramble (best ball) begins with at shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. A meal follows the tournament. The fundraiser for multicultural student scholarships is open to university community members and friends.

UW-L students can enter raffle for tuition money; deadline to participate is July 5

UW-L students can enter a raffle for the chance to win $2,000 for fall tuition. Tickets are $5 or 5 for $20. Tickets are available at the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center. All entries must be received by Friday, July 5. The drawing will be held Friday, July 12, at the Cleary Alumni & Friends Center. Participants do not need to be present to win. The winner will be online at For more information, contact the Foundation Office at 785.8765 or 877.UWL.FUND (895.3863).

Help save energy between semesters with these tips

Between spring and fall semesters UW-L strives to reduce campus energy consumption. To help conserve energy without impacting programs or services, Facilities Planning and Management asks everyone to take the following actions:
  • Turn off computers, monitors, printers, peripherals and other non-essential office, classroom and laboratory equipment.
  • Turn off all table lamps, general room lighting and other electrical items.
  • Unplug and clean unused refrigerators; block the door slightly ajar to reduce odor buildup.
  • Unplug chargers when they’re not charging. They draw energy whenever they’re plugged-in.
  • Close shades, blinds and curtains during unoccupied periods. Encourage others to reduce energy use.
The key to energy conservation on campus is for everyone to participate. To review more energy-saving tips visit the Saving Energy link at
UW-L Athletics artwork.

Upcoming news and events

Monday, May 6, 11 a.m.-close Maroon Mondays  at Buffalo Wild Wings 3132 Market Place  in Onalaska Event coupon here Must bring coupon for UW-L Athletics to benefit from promotion Tuesday, May 7, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Eagles Eat & Greet  at Howie’s 1128 La Crosse St. Featuring the UW-L  Men's Track & Field & Women's Track & Field Baseball Wednesday, May 8 vs. UW-Stout (DH), 1 p.m. Click here for baseball promotions calendar at the North Campus Field Click here for ticket prices & additional information Men's & Women's Outdoor Track & Field Friday, May 10, 4 p.m. Eagle Open Click here for ticket prices and additional information You can find meet information and a schedule of events for the meet at:
  • Women's Track & Field
  • Men's Track & Field
  • Follow the Athletic Director on Twitter: @UWLAXAD
Eaglez Kidz Klub | Group Outings | Get Involved | Maroon Platoon | Mascot | Tickets | Events & Promotions | L-Club | Donate Campus Kudos artwork.  
[caption id="attachment_23155" align="alignright" width="350"]Radiation Students with certificates. UW-L Radiation Therapy Program students took the top three awards for an essay competition at the Chicago Area Radiation Therapist Student Seminar April 27-28 in Chicago. Lizabeth Doherty, photo left,was awarded third place for "Advancement in Treatments for Glioblastoma Multiforme." Kaylyn Olson, photo center, received second place for her essay, "Improving the Outcomes of Breast Radiation Therapy Treatments: The Prone Position." Lisa Kosek won first place for her essay "The Preservation of Womanhood: Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation." Find out more about the event at[/caption]
Mark W. Chavalas, History, co-authored the book "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament." It was reprinted in Chinese (Tapei: Chinese Evangelical Fellowship Press, April, 2013). Chavalas, spoke on "Ancient Terqa: a Syrian Center" for the Los Angeles Biblical Archaeology Society, April 26, in Monrovia, Calif.
Laurie Kincman, Theatre Arts, had her book "The Stage Manager's Toolkit" published by Focal Press. It launched at the United States Institute for Theatre Technology Conference in March, where she also presented workshops on making the transition from a college theatre program to the professional world and on the organizational structure of nonprofit performing arts companies. Melissa Wallace, Modern Languages, was elected to the Executive Committee of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association. She has also published the chapter"Rethinking Bifurcated Testing Models in the Court Interpreter Certification Process" in the edited volume  Assessment Issues in Language Translation and Interpreting (Peter Lang).
In the News artwork. A summary of some of the stories about UW-La Crosse spotted in the news. "UW-L students host new farmer's market," WKBT-TV, April 26. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students celebrated their own Earth Week with a new event. The Environmental Council put on a Farmer's Market, the first ever for the university ... "Survey: Small-businesses hesitate to expand," WKBT-TV, April 24. By most measures, the U.S. is in the recovery stage of the recession. But a new survey shows most small-business owners are still hesitant to expand ..."The purchase of new plants, new equipment, trucks to transport your goods, or packaging," said Taggert Brooks, the chair of the economics department at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse ... "Vinehout: Facts needed before taking position on funding," La Crosse Tribune, April 26. Sen. Kathleen Vinehout said Thursday she's waiting to see more numbers before taking a position on University of Wisconsin funding. The Alma Democrat is likely to be at the center of brewing debates over a UW System surplus, a potential tuition freeze and how to fund the state's network of public universities ... "UW-L professor, graduate discover new species of mushrooms," WKBT-TV, April 17. A University of Wisconsin-La Crosse biology professor and a graduate from the university's biology graduate school program have discovered three new species of edible mushrooms in Hixon Forest... About People for Monday, April 29, 2013 La Crosse Tribune. Five UW La Crosse graduates have been named the university's top alumni for 2013, and six graduating seniors will be recognized for their academic ... ClassifiedAds artwork. 2003 Toyota Matrix XRS, 34 MPG on Hwy., fully loaded, towing package. $4,875, negotiable. See at Call 782.7946 or email


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