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Career Services

Posted 1:54 p.m. Friday, May 11, 2012

Employment for UW-L graduates is looking up

About 98 percent of UW-La Crosse undergraduates seeking employment found work within six months of graduation, according to a 2010-11 report. About 88 percent found work within their major. The average salary of a UW-L graduate in the 2010-11 report was about $41,300. The 2010-11 report includes graduates from December 2010 as well as January, May and August of 2011. About half of the 1,942 graduates responded to the survey. The results do not include students who continued their education or those who were not seeking employment. Karla Stanek, UW-L’s director of Career Services, says she has noticed an uptick in activity in her office as the job market has began to improve for graduates. “I’ve been getting more calls from employers seeking graduates, we are seeing new internship postings and, for some of the more high demand majors, we are seeing students receive multiple job offers,” she says. “I think the economy is slowly picking up and the high quality of graduates from UW-L makes them more marketable.”

About Career Services:

UW-L Career Services helps students and alumni with resume and cover letter writing and interview assistance. Staff also provide graduate and professional school application assistance. Career Services plans career events and provides resources for the job hunt whether searching for a career, job or internship. Employers can post internships, jobs and careers on UW-L’s Career Services website in “Eagle Opportunities.”


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