Posted 7:05 a.m. Saturday, April 29, 2023

UWL’s Foundation and Alumni Association are becoming one. Here’s what you should know
If you read the Lantern or keep in touch with UWL, you may have heard the news.
Effective July 1, 2023, the UWL Foundation and the UWL Alumni Association will join forces to become the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Alumni & Friends Foundation.
Leadership and board members from each organization have been exploring the potential benefits of this realignment for nearly two years. After resolving to become one entity, they have worked in close collaboration to ensure a smooth transition for alumni, donors, friends and the new organization itself.
This has been a long, complex process with much deliberation, and we understand that you may have questions.
Below, we hope to answer some of those questions and provide additional information about how this move will allow us to better serve you and our university.
Thank you for your continued support as we begin this new and exciting chapter!

Q: Why are you making this change?
A: The Foundation and Alumni Association have continually explored ways to better serve both UWL and those who wish to support and engage with the university. As part of these efforts, the Foundation recently underwent an external review of its operations and objectives. Through these consultations, it became clear that a shared organizational structure would help both the Foundation and the Alumni Association more effectively pursue their goals.
Q: I’m a member of the Alumni Association. How will this affect me?
A: Alumni Association members can expect two major changes. First, membership dues have been eliminated. In their place, we hope alumni who feel passionately about UWL will continue to support the university through My Due$ for UWL. This new, optional program allows alumni to direct money they would have previously spent on membership dues toward a UWL cause of their choosing. Learn more about My Due$ for UWL.
Second, with the elimination of membership dues, alumni events will continue to be open to the broad UWL community. We are excited to have more intentionality with an inclusive model of engagement to create unique and memorable experiences for all alumni.
Q: I’m a lifetime member or have already paid my annual membership dues. What happens now?
A: We are grateful for your support and are committed to honoring the original terms of your membership. Lifetime members will continue to be recognized and will retain access to benefits and discounts. The same goes for those who have already paid their annual membership dues. All benefits and discounts will be honored through the term of the membership. Learn more about membership benefits.
Q: What did my membership dues support under the previous model?
A: Historically, membership dues have strengthened “The La Crosse Experience” through networking events, legacy scholarships and other traditions. These efforts aren’t going away. You can continue to support them with an annual gift to the Alumni & Friends Engagement Fund and/or the Alumni Legacy Scholarship Fund. Or, you can pick from more than 250 causes to find the one that is most meaningful to you.
Q: Without membership dues, how will the Alumni Association be funded?
A: By aligning with the Foundation, all of the Alumni Assocation's operational costs will be covered. We also encourage alumni to support the Alumni & Friends Engagement Fund (which supports alumni events and engagement) and/or the Alumni Legacy Fund (which supports alumni legacy scholarships).
Q: Who will oversee the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation?
A: Greg Reichert, president of the UWL Foundation, will serve as president of the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation. Janie Morgan, '85 & '86, who served as executive director of the UWL Alumni Association under the previous model, will become the executive director for strategic engagement.
Additionally, the new organization will have one board of directors, composed of 18 to 40 members, at least half of whom will be alumni. Todd Taylor, ’80, current chair of the Foundation Board, will serve as chair for the first two years. Lynda Kohler, ’83, current chair of the Alumni Association Board, will serve as vice chair for the first two years, followed by two years as chair.
Q: I have more questions about the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation. Whom should I contact?
A: To learn more about the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation, contact Greg Reichert or Janie Morgan at 608-785-8489 or