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Digging summer

Posted 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Participants during the summer 2016 Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center Public Field School at the Norskedalen Heritage Farm.
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Participants during the summer 2016 Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center Public Field School at the Norskedalen Heritage Farm. Read more →

MVAC Public Field School participants share archaeological finds July 20.

MVAC Public Field School participants share archaeological finds July 20

The public is invited to see the finds Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center Public Field School participants have unearthed this summer. An open house featuring their excavation work and the artifacts they have uncovered will be from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, July 20, at Goose Island County Park, on the Mississippi River south of La Crosse. Participants will be working at Hunters Point boat landing on the south end of Goose Island Campground. Previous investigations at the site found artifacts, including flakes and some grit-tempered pottery from a Woodland campsite. Participants may also investigate a nearby historic Euro-American cabin/homestead site. A map and directions to Goose Island and Hunters Point can be found by visiting the Goose Island Campground website and clicking on the park map at: Call MVAC at 608.785.6473 or email for more information. The open house is free and open to the public. If you go — What: MVAC Public Field School Open House Where: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, July 20 When: Goose Island County Park


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