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Enrollment up slightly at UW-L

Posted 8:34 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010

[caption id="attachment_1374" align="alignleft" width="134" caption="Numbers of new freshmen, transfer on upward trend at UW-L. "]UW-L logo. [/caption]Enrollment at UW-L is up slightly over a year ago. The official headcount taken Sept. 20 put total enrollment at 9,948, up .6 percent over last fall when 9,890 students were enrolled. Undergraduate enrollment was up 2.3 percent, from 8,748 last fall to 8,945 this year. Graduate enrollment dipped, down from 1,142 last year to 1,003 this fall. While graduate headcount numbers decreased just over 12 percent, full-time-equivalency for grad students decreased only around 5 percent — which means this fall’s grad students are carrying more credits, an average of 9.2 compared to an 8.5 average in 2009. Transfer students increased the most of all groups — up just over 27 percent, from 398 to 506. New freshmen increased 3.2 percent from 1,755 to 1,812. The number of students of color continues to grow. Minority students this fall totaled 7.3 percent of total enrollment, up from 6.8 percent a year ago. Students-of-color numbers have grown from 5.9 percent five years ago. The number of international students on campus was up 2.4 percent — from 372 last fall to 381 this year. International students remain at just under 4 percent of the total student body. Gender numbers were similar to 2009: 58 percent females this fall compared to 59 percent last year; 42 percent males this year compared to 41 a year ago. “We’re pleased to be educating slightly more students at UW-L without undercutting the highly personalized atmosphere we’ve worked so hard to create,” says Chancellor Joe Gow. “In particular, we’re delighted that our campus is slowly becoming more diverse and international; and we look forward to continue enhancing these aspects of campus life in the future.”


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