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Get the scoop on alumni news

Posted 4:37 p.m. Monday, April 1, 2013

The university’s three colleges each have newsletters that are sent to alumni and friends twice a year. Are you receiving your college's newsletter? Find out more and sign up!

cover of Science & Health newsDid you know? The university’s three colleges each have newsletters that are sent to alumni and friends twice a year. Building Bridges — a printed piece sent spring and fall to College of Business Administration alums and friends. Capstone — a publication that debuted in spring 2012 for College of Liberal Studies alums and friends. Issues are emailed. Science & Health News — emailed to College of Science and Health alumni and friends each winter and summer. To receive the newsletter in your email inbox from your college, make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the UW-L Alumni Association:


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