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Gow gives first address at the U

Posted 11:06 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017

UWL Chancellor Joe Gow gave his All-University Address Wednesday, Jan. 18, in The Bluffs, a multipurpose room in the new Student Union. It is about 30 percent larger than Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition.
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UWL Chancellor Joe Gow gave his All-University Address Wednesday, Jan. 18, in The Bluffs, a multipurpose room in the new Student Union. It is about 30 percent larger than Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. Read more →

Chancellor shares excitement for next semester amid budget uncertainty.

Chancellor shares excitement for next semester amid budget uncertainty

UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow shared his excitement about UWL’s new Student Union at the first major event inside of it: The All-University Address. UWL faculty and staff gathered Wednesday, Jan. 18, in The Bluffs, a multipurpose room that is about 30 percent larger than Valhalla, Cartwright Center-Gunning Addition. “This feels historic,” Gow said as he began his remarks. “Many here have had the privilege to see the building as it was being constructed ... This is the first time this many people have been in the building. I can’t wait until Monday when students arrive.” Gow shared details about The U, a $55 million project, which 88 percent of UWL students supported constructing in an April 2012 referendum. They voted for a new facility instead of making needed repairs to Cartwright Center, the previous student center. On Wednesday, furniture was still being moved into the U’s lounge areas and offices. The building has many spots for students to relax and recreate, including a theater, entertainment café and a large recreation area on the lower level. It also houses The COVE, a suite for student organizations; the Admissions office; the UW Credit Union branch; multiple food service venues; and more. The University Bookstore, with large windows opening into the inside entrance of the U now show off UWL attire. The building will be in full operation Monday. Learn more about the grand opening celebration. Gow acknowledged the many people at UWL who’ve helped make the building possible. He gave special recognition to Student Affairs and Larry Ringgenberg, director of University Centers. “This facility represents so well what goes on in our Student Affairs division and the contributions that staff in that division make,” says Gow. [caption id="attachment_47793" align="aligncenter" width="685"] During the address, Chancellor Joe Gow shared facts about the U, campus strategic planning, the state budget outlook and more.[/caption] Strategic planning underway Gow updated campus on UWL’s strategic planning process, led by Professor Enilda Delgado. He highlighted the four pillars of the strategic plan, which are also outlined on the strategic planning website. Action teams are working on each pillar:
  • increased community engagement
  • transformational education
  • achieving excellence through equity and diversity
  • investing in our people
Gow said some priorities in the strategic plan, particularly transformational learning opportunities such as undergraduate research, have been made possible because of donations to the UWL Foundation. He added that the foundation’s Share the La Crosse Experience Scholarship Campaign has so far raised $9.1 million of its $15 campaign goal. Monetary and policy budget issues on the horizon UWL will know more about its budget outlook after the governor releases his 2017-2019 state budget proposal next month. During his State of the State address Jan. 10, Gov. Scott Walker said he’d like to reduce college tuition for in-state students, which is a popular idea, Gow said. But the UW System will need financial resources to offset revenue lost from tuition, he added. The governor has also proposed distributing funding to system schools based on performance metrics. However, it’s unclear at this point what those metrics might be, said Gow. Some potential ways of measuring campuses could prove difficult for administrations to control such as whether or not a graduate will stay in Wisconsin. “I don’t know how you would influence that,” Gow says. “It’s peoples’ prerogative if they go out and see the world.” Policy issues related to campus could also change in the future. Currently, legislators are also discussing changing legislation to allow concealed carry inside campus buildings. “We are clear on it,” said Gow. “Overwhelmingly our people say we do not want concealed carry in the buildings. That would not make us safer. Our hope is that legislators will have a full conversation on the issue before any action is taken.” Legislators have also said that campuses need more intellectual diversity in the form of more conservative speakers on campus, said Gow. People who come to campus are invited by departments and student organizations who pick the speakers they want, Gow clarified. “I don’t think it is right to say you need to invite this or that speaker,” said Gow. “And how would you even know if a speaker is liberal or conservative?” Preparing for the future In closing, Gow reflected on the many years the campus community spent in Cartwright Center, and the variety of events and great memories made in the facility from music performances to visits from prominent politicians. But times change, Gow added. In his personal life, he is now a grandfather. He showed a picture, on the large screen at the front of the room, of his granddaughter wearing a UWL sweatshirt. “In 17 and a half years maybe she’ll come to UWL,” he said looking at the smiling, bright-eyed child. Gow suggested he probably wouldn’t be UWL’s chancellor at that point, but the campus is collectively working toward that future now, he said. And that’s why the strategic planning and building now is so important, he added. “Someone once said when our memories outweigh our dreams, we become old,” said Gow. “I don’t feel old at all. Just look at this building. Look at Science Labs Building going up. … There are a lot of exciting things happening right now. I’m excited about that and I hope you are too.”      


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