Posted 9:45 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023
Join Eagles Helping Eagles to help students with necessities from warm coats to pots and pans
It is difficult to focus on getting a college education when your basic needs aren't being met.
The UW-La Crosse group, Eagles Helping Eagles, aims to help college students meet those basic needs, so they can focus on their studies and future. The group is looking for new members from the campus and wider La Crosse area community.
Eagles Helping Eagles members are emailed when specific student needs are discovered. These needs go beyond basics of food and shelter to provide specific items that some students cannot afford such as sheets, blankets, winter clothes, furniture and more. Both new and used items are accepted.
“My goal is to have a list of individuals, both inside and outside of UWL, who are interested in being part of this giving opportunity,” says Amanda Gasper, UWL’s financial literacy coordinator who spearheads the program. “Their role would be helping track down new or used items and/or spreading the word to get them.”
Gasper plans to share requests with the Eagles Helping Eagles group via email as student requests are collected. As winter nears, those requests are already coming in for items such as coats, boots and gloves. While these may seem like things that are easy to find and purchase, for college students trying to make ends meet, the purchases could make or break a really tight budget, explains Gasper.
Eagles Helping Eagles originally launched in 2020, modeled after the La Crosse Tribune's 'For Goodness Sakes' series.
Request an item
Requests for items by students, or faculty and staff on their behalf, are submitted via an online survey.
Faculty or staff requests (on behalf of students)
It Make$ Cents staff coordinate pickup and delivery.
How do I join?
To join the group contact Gasper at
Other UWL services for students
Campus Thread: Campus Thread is UW’s UWL's free clothing closet, located in the Center for Transformative Justice (CTJ) and Career Services (career clothing only). The store offers free gently used clothing for students from all three higher ed campuses in La Crosse.
Campus Food Pantry: The Campus Food Pantry is available to all UWL students, faculty, and staff and is open whenever the Student Union is open. A registration form must be filled out to access it.