Posted 11:24 a.m. Monday, Sept. 20, 2021

Older adults sought for UWL research study on masking and exercise
La Crosse area residents between the ages of 50 and 90 are sought for research on wearing face masks during exercise.
UW-La Crosse graduate students in the Exercise and Sport Science Department are looking for healthy, older adults who are somewhat sedentary. Participants must be able to bike for 30 minutes without chest pain, shortness of breath, or pain in their back, legs or neck.
Participants must attend four sessions on campus — one 45-minute practice session and three 45-minute testing sessions.
UWL Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist Kim Radtke, who is directing the study, says the research will evaluate performance measures with and without facemasks when performing 30-minutes of self-paced exercise.
“The use of facemasks will inevitably become a more common prevention strategy in the future as a means to minimize the spread of infections,” explains Radtke. “It’s important to know how mask usage impacts our lives in terms of safety and disease prevention.”
Participants who complete the study will receive a one-month free membership to the university’s La Crosse Exercise and Health Program.
For more information or to participate, contact the Radtke at or 608.785.8188.