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High school students learn about making college part of their future

Posted 5:54 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5, 2012


high school students on tour of campus About 25 high school students in the La Crosse School District learned about college admissions, lectures, campus, students — and even the food during a visit to UW-La Crosse Friday. The visit was coordinated with La Crosse Promise Future Centers, resource centers open to any student at Logan, Central, Aquinas or Luther high schools living within the La Crosse School District boundaries. They aim to help students better plan their educational future after high school through help with applications, scholarships, selecting a school and more. College visits are one of many activities planned through the centers. “The UW-L visit is an outstanding opportunity for students to learn that an excellent education is available right here in their hometown,” says Jerry Kember, Future Center director. “We’re trying to help kids who ordinarily wouldn’t have the opportunity for college visits.” Students met with admissions staff, toured campus, ate lunch in Whitney Center and listened to a “sample lecture” from Alex O’Brien, assistant professor of psychology. The UW-L visit is the first of a number of campus visits the Future Centers are planning for the 2012-13 school year. The creation of Future Centers is the first phase of a larger idea called “La Crosse Promise,” which aims to fuel an “economic revival and transformation of the greater La Crosse area.” The second phase will provide scholarship funding to families that live and relocate to the heart of the La Crosse community in exchange for their investment. Find more information about La Crosse Promise and Future Centers at visit or


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