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Learn about ‘Guyland’ during UW-L lecture Oct. 10

Posted 1:21 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012

[caption id="attachment_15579" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Author Michael Kimmel"][/caption]Author Michael Kimmel will explore “Guyland” — a concept he wrote about after interviewing 400 men — during a free public lecture at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10, in 260 Graff Main Hall Auditorium. Kimmel wrote the book “Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men” based on interviews with 400 men, ages 16-26, over four years. His study shows that the guys who live in “Guyland” are mostly white, middle-class, totally confused and cannot commit to their relationships, work or lives. Although they seem baffled by the riddles of manhood and responsibility, they submit to the “Guy Code,” where locker-room behaviors, sexual conquests, bullying, violence and assuming a cocky jock pose can rule over the sacrifice and conformity of marriage and family. Obsessed with never wanting to grow up, this demographic, which is 22 million strong, craves video games, sports and depersonalized sexual relationships. Kimmel is a distinguished professor of sociology at the State University of New York Stony Brook. The event is sponsored by: UW-L College of Liberal Studies; Department of Psychology; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Communication Studies; Sociology/Archaeology; History; the Wellness Center; and the Violence Prevention Office. If you go — What: Book lecture on “Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men” Where: 260 Graff Main Hall Auditorium When: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10 Admission: Free


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