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OCW spearheads on-campus granola bar food drive for Feed the Kids program

Posted 8:04 p.m. Thursday, June 14, 2012

When school is out for the summer school lunch programs close down and many children in the community go hungry or fill up on non-nutritional food. The Salvation Army’s Feed the Kids volunteers assemble sack lunches and deliver them to children in neighborhoods and to those in summer programs. The lunch is sometimes the only meal these children will get each day. To help, UW-L’s Organization of Campus Women is collecting granola bars for the lunches Monday, June 18, through Friday, June 29. To donate, drop off granola bars at any of these locations:
  • 212 Cartwright Center
  • 227 Graff Main Hall
  • 1120 Centennial Hall
  • Murphy Library Circulation Area
Last summer, the Feed the Kids program provided 8,300 lunches to children in La Crosse. This summer, the number of children who qualify for assistance is up sharply. The goal for 2012 is to provide 450 lunches, five days per week, in the neediest areas of La Crosse and Onalaska for a seasonal total that more than doubles last year’s output. The Salvation Army has been working closely with the school district of La Crosse to identify areas of most need. For more information, contact Karmin Van Domelen at 785.8362 or


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