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Outreach about Affordable Care Act

Posted 1:50 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, 2013

Efforts to educate about the new Affordable Care Act led a UW-L staff member to the White House last week.

[caption id="attachment_26749" align="alignright" width="250"]Jackson Jantzen Jackson Jantzen[/caption] Efforts to educate about the new Affordable Care Act led a UW-L staff member to the White House last week. Jackson Jantzen, marketing outreach specialist for Institute for the UW-L Professional Studies in Education and executive director of the 7 Rivers LGBT Resource Center in La Crosse, was in Washington D.C. Sept. 12 to attend a White House briefing related to the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect the LGBT community. “This is a great time to have the summit to have all of you come together because you are the leaders across this country who can reach out to your friends and neighbors and colleagues in the LGBT community and make sure they know what is about to happen,” noted Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, during the briefing. Jantzen says the act will definitely impact the LGBT community, but also has implications for others in La Crosse — particularly those who are not insured. He plans to share information he has learned with as many people as possible. The Affordable Healthcare Act is of particular importance to the LGBT community as one in three people in the LGBT community nationally do not have health care coverage — compared to one in seven heterosexual adults. Many people in the LGBT community are denied coverage — mainly due to pre-existing conditions or they can’t access healthcare because their employer does not offer domestic partner benefits, explains Jantzen. Jantzen launched a fundraising campaign — the Indiegogo Campaign — to raise money to travel to Washington, D.C. — a bill of about $2,500 for a last minute flight. However, a former high school teacher of his came forward with funds to cover the flight, so Jantzen is redirecting the campaign toward the center’s educational outreach and programming in relation to the act. He will continue the fundraising campaign through Oct. 6. 7 Rivers LGBT Resource Center, located at 309 Pearl St. in La Crosse, aims to be a voice and presence promoting understanding and building connections regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. The center provides resources for people in crisis, support groups and other assistance. “We want it to be as inclusive as possible and meet the needs of as many people as possible,” says Jantzen. “ I appreciate this opportunity because it provides another layer of educational programming that we can do.”


Contribute to the educational outreach through the center see the Indiegogo Campaign. Learn more about the center.

Open enrollment in the Affordable Care Act:

Open enrollment begins Oct. 1, followed by a six-month open enrollment period when people can go online to find the right healthcare plan for them. Coverage begins in January 2014. Learn more.

For more information:

National website for The Health Insurance Marketplace: LGBT specific resource:


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