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Outstanding alumni sought for awards

Posted 8:47 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

Have you kept in touch with former classmates? Are they doing amazing work in their communities? The Alumni Association is looking for candidates for the UW-La Crosse Alumni Awards Program.

[caption id="attachment_2358" align="alignright" width="280" caption="This year the Rada Distinguished Alumni Award, which recognizes UW-L alumni making exceptional contributions to their professions and communities, was presented to Thomas Harris, assistant director of Multicultural Student Services. Harris accepted the award during the Alumni Awards Reception & Ceremony Friday, May 11, 2012, at UW-L."]Thomas Harris[/caption] Have you kept in touch with former classmates? Are they doing amazing work in their communities? The Alumni Association is looking for candidates for the UW-La Crosse Alumni Awards Program. Please submit their name(s) by Oct. 10, 2012, to be considered for the 2013 awards. The Awards program was established in 1977 with one award, the Maurice O. Graff Distinguished Alumni Award. Over the past 35 years, the program has grown to recognize accomplishments of alumni at different stages of their careers.
  • The Maurice O. Graff Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who attended at least 20 years ago and have achieved honor and distinction with recognition that extends well beyond the immediate environments in which they live and work.
  • The Rada Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have graduated within the last 20 years from UW-La Crosse. The award honors recent to mid-career alumni who are making exceptional contributions to their professionals and/or communities.
  • The Parker Multicultural Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have graduated from UW-La Crosse and have significantly contributed to or advanced multicultural understanding.
Visit for more information about the awards program. Once nominated, candidates must submit their resume, three letters of reference and any additional documentation they wish to provide. Questions? Contact the Alumni Association at, or 785-8494.


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