Posted 11:01 a.m. Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Chinese program students act out Chinese zodiac signs for local elementary school event
Students in the UW-La Crosse Chinese Language & Culture Club helped “bring books to life” for students at La Crescent Hokah Elementary this April.
Eleven UWL students in the Chinese Studies program acted out a story about the Chinese zodiac signs from the book “The Great Race" during the Bringing Books to Life: Stories from around the world event Thursday, April 13 at the elementary.
One of the UWL student narrators Sydney Jain described the reading as her “best experience" so far in college.
UWL Associate Professor of Chinese Studies HongYing Xu said not only did the crowd and students enjoy the experience, but students also were able to apply what they’ve learned in Chinese Studies.
“My students got to share their knowledge about Chinese culture and language with our community, which helps them see various ways to connect what they are learning in class with daily life.”