Posted 1 p.m. Friday, March 26, 2021

UWL students write, perform children’s play that celebrates the perfectly imperfect in us all
The UWL Department of Theatre Arts will present the original children’s play, “Squiggles,” written by the show’s ensemble of UWL students: Karen Dabney, Anna Halvorsen, Corinne Kaleta, Mason Laney and Ronald Mickle.
“Squiggles” centers on Sammy who visits Squiggle Land, a world of imagination and celebration of uniqueness. Sammy meets several characters who model how to embrace differences, gain confidence, and celebrate the perfectly imperfect in us all.
“Squiggles” was created by the theatre students through activities and exercises to create and explore characters and themes that might appeal to younger audiences. It asks the question, “where do our different stories meet?” The development process proposes the answer: “through connections forged once we are comfortable being our true selves.” Sammy enters Squiggle Land and learns how to have fun among friends who demonstrate how being “real” leads to living an authentic, full life.
“Squiggles” is being offered free of charge due to COVID-19. Access to the performance video begin Monday, March 29, with a link on the UWL Theatre Arts webpage: The performance link will be available for viewing through Friday, April 16.
To attend:
WHO: UWL Department of Theatre Arts
WHAT: “Squiggles,” a children’s show
WHERE: Video performance link:
WHEN: March 29-April 16
COST: Free
CAST/PLAYWRIGHTS: Anna Halvorsen, Corinne Kaleta, Mason Laney, Ronald Mickle
PRODUCTION TEAM: Karen Dabney (Director), Carson Kreger (Stage Manager), Michelle Collyar (Costume Designer), Megan Morey (Scenic Designer/Technical Director), Camille Foss (Lighting Designer), Jay Ware (Sound Engineer), Katie Link (Props Designer), and Emily Ludewig (Sound Designer).