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Accreditation visit this week

Posted 8:38 a.m. Monday, April 11, 2016

Open forums Monday and Tuesday
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Open forums Monday and Tuesday Read more →

Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the Higher Learning Commission visit Monday and Tuesday, April 11 and 12.

Visit by HLC accreditation team set

Five educators from across the Midwest will visit UW-La Crosse April 11-12 to ensure the campus is meeting standards for ongoing operations. The comprehensive review by peer reviewers through the Higher Learning Commission takes place every 10 years. Regional accreditation affirms the quality and integrity of a university. It also allows a campus to offer federal financial aid, credits that transfer to other regionally accredited institutions, and degrees that have a recognized standard of quality. UWL Chancellor Joe Gow says the peer review validates the quality of an institution as a whole. “Accreditors have been paying more attention to colleges and universities in the last decade,” explains Gow. “UWL communicates frequently with our accreditors, working to ensure they are aware of the quality work we are already doing on campus.” Gow says accreditation also evaluates multiple aspects of an institution ranging from its academic offerings, governance and administration, mission, finances and resources. The peer review team includes faculty and administrators from HLC accredited institutions in 19 states. UWL has been accredited by the Commission since 1928. The team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the commission’s Criteria for Accreditation. Find out more about accreditation at

Accreditation visit coming

Campus community is welcome to take part

The entire campus community – faculty, academic staff, university staff and students — may take part in the peer review team’s visit to campus. Reviewers will be here Monday, April 11, all day, and the morning of Tuesday, April 12. They will host several open forums, drop-in sessions, and meet with various members of the campus community. Open forums, open to all, include: Monday, April 11 —
  • 9:55-10:50 a.m. Open Forum Discussion on Criteria 1 & 2, 150 Murphy Library
  • 1:10-2:05 p.m. Open Forum Discussion on Criteria 3 & 4, TBA
  • 2:15-3:10 p.m. Drop-in session, 3100 Centennial Hall.
Tuesday, April 12 —
  • 9-9:55 a.m. Open Forum Discussion on Criterion 5, Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall
The reviewers determine who they want to meet with in small groups, called focus topics, based on the materials filed before the visit. Students participated in a student opinion survey in the first part of February. See the report with the results of the survey. Here’s how faculty, academic staff, university staff and students wanting to take part can prepare for the visit:
  • Read the five-page Executive Summary of the Assurance Argument
  • Read the entire 105-page Assurance Argument
  • Consider how your role relates to the Select Mission of UWL.
  • Attend at least one open forum.
  • Be candid with the reviewers and share your opinions.
Find out more about accreditation at


Accreditation visit this week

Open forums Monday and Tuesday

Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the Higher Learning Commission visit Monday and Tuesday, April 11 and 12. Open forums include: Monday, April 11 —
  • 9:55-10:50 a.m. Open Forum Discussion on Criteria 1 & 2, 150 Murphy Library
  • 1:10-2:05 p.m. Open Forum Discussion on Criteria 3 & 4, TBA
  • 2:15-3:10 p.m. Drop-in session, 3100 Centennial Hall.
Tuesday, April 12 —
  • 9-9:55 a.m. Open Forum Discussion on Criterion 5, Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall
If you attend, what are some of the things reviewers might ask?
  • How do you and your department contribute to UWL’s mission and student success?
  • What are UWL’s greatest strengths?
  • What are the biggest challenges facing UWL?
  • How would you describe the campus climate?
  • What are the university’s priorities?
  • What are the characteristics of a UWL education?
  • What makes UWL distinct?
See the complete schedule.


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