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State Rep. to speak about overcoming barriers

Posted 9:09 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012

A Texas state representative will speak about her experience representing the LGBTIQQAA community in the legislature during a lecture at 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 3.

[caption id="attachment_17472" align="alignleft" width="216" caption="Texas State Rep. Mary Gonzalez"]Texas State Rep. Mary Gonzalez[/caption] A Texas state representative will speak about her experiences overcoming barriers and representing the LGBTIQQAA community in the legislature during a UW-La Crosse lecture at 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 3, in 1400 Centennial Hall. When Rep. Mary Gonzalez first ran for office she openly identified as a lesbian. She succeeded in a hard fought battle to win her seat in the legislature. In turn, she broke though some long-standing barriers. Since that time, Gonzalez has become the first politician in the country to openly identify herself as a pansexual. "Members of the UW-L community should attend this lecture to hear the lessons that Rep. Gonzalez has to offer and to further their understanding of what it means for a community to embrace inclusivity," says Jo Arney, UW-L assistant professor of political science. The lecture is sponsored by Political Science and Public Administration and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies departments. Gonzalez will also visit classes to discuss the politics of coming out and overcoming barriers.


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