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Student center now and then: Students shape an ever-evolving campus

Posted 5:01 p.m. Friday, May 25, 2012

[caption id="attachment_12291" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="Anne Hlavacka, former president of the UW-L Student Association, sits outside the Cartwright Center addition, which was built in 1984. Hlavacka says the addition came as more space was needed on campus for gathering, networking and community events."]Anne Hlavacka outside Cartwright Center[/caption] Construction hat on head and golden shovel in hand, Anne (Morgan) Hlavacka stood between Graff Main Hall and Cartwright Center in 1984 watching ground break on a new addition to the student center. Cartwright’s Gunning Addition was added when Hlavacka was president of the UW-L Student Association. At the time, the campus was booming as the student population was nearing its mid-80s peak at nearly 9,900 students. The students voted to add on to the center as more space was needed for gathering, networking and community events. Hlavacka, ’84, was also president when students overwhelmingly supported constructing a childcare center as the non-traditional student population grew. Over the years, students have continued to shape the university with support for the Recreational Eagle Center, Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex, Centennial Hall and other projects. The needs of UW-L students have evolved over the last 26 years, yet students’ commitment to the future of the campus has always remained strong, says Hlavacka, now director of UW-L’s Small Business Development Center. [caption id="attachment_12305" align="alignleft" width="518" caption="Proposed new student center southwest entrance"]Proposed new student center southwest entrance[/caption] Students approved the construction of a new student center in a referendum April 10. The new $55 million building, to be constructed on the Wimberly Hall parking lot, will replace Cartwright Center and will be paid for by a gradual increase in student fees. “Usually when people make a decision it’s about ‘what’s in it for me,’” notes Hlavacka. “Student decisions are about what is good for the future of the campus and the students. That’s the way that students looked at it back then and that’s the way they look at it today.” The new center’s construction will likely be completed in fall 2016 and most students who voted for the facility will not set foot in it as a student. “They will not see the return personally, but they will know they did something important in the long run to see the campus continue to evolve,” says Hlavacka. “It demonstrates the ongoing commitment of students to see the campus be the very best it can be.” Cartwright Details Cartwright Center opened in 1958 when UW-La Crosse had 1,772 students. In 1964, enrollment increased to 2,987 and an addition to Cartwright Center occurred. In 1984, the “Gunning Addition” was added to Cartwright. The building is currently named for long-time Dean of Women, Edith Cartwright, and long-time Dean of Men, Richard Gunning.


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