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Support comes from across the state in response to Drake Hall fire

Posted 4:33 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2012

[caption id="attachment_9725" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="White Hall staff hold a box of goods delivered from UW-Oshkosh. From left, Senior Laura Buchholz, RA; Junior Liz Theriault, RA; Alli Rygh, graduate student in Student Affairs Administration and White Hall director."]White Hall staff hold a box of goods delivered from UW-Oshkosh[/caption]Support has come from across the state in response to UW-La Crosse’s Drake Hall fire. The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh residence hall directors and hall staff have each adopted one of UW-L’s residence hall staff members and sent care packages filled with candy, door decorations, bulletin boards, cards and more to distribute among all UW-L’s resident assistants. “UW-L’s resident assistants have been working very hard to help the Office of Residence Life succeed,” says Maryne Taute, a residence hall director at UW-Oshkosh. “We love La Crosse and our hearts break for UW-L. It’s our community too.” Taute says she also has a personal tie to UW-L as a former UW-L resident assistant from 2003 - 07. White and Wentz hall staff have already received packages and will more will be arriving through Thursday. Cards are also being sent from UW-O staff to Drake Hall students. In addition, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls sent cookies and other sweet treats to distribute to UW-L Residence Life staff teams. "These unexpected gifts brightened our day,” says Nick Nicklaus, UW-L director of Residence Life. “The collegial support will be remembered and will serve us all as we are reminded of our common mission and bond to the students we serve." Read the latest updates on the Drake Hall fire.


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