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Take the statewide survey

Posted 11:40 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015

A panel at UWL will discuss the state of the University of Wisconsin System.
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A panel at UWL will discuss the state of the University of Wisconsin System. Read more →

Survey leads Phase Two of UW System strategic planning process

With a listening session tour of the state complete, Phase Two of the University of Wisconsin System’s strategic planning process is about to launch and, once again, it is driven by public input. [caption id="attachment_44307" align="alignright" width="300"]UWL, Community members participate in the UW System's strategic planning session on campus in September. UWL, community members participate in the UW System's strategic planning session on campus in September.[/caption] The UW System has launched an open, online survey gauging public opinion on the common ideas identified through a series of 13 strategic planning listening sessions held around the state. The sessions gathered input from hundreds of community, legislative, business, education and other leaders. The online survey is now available. It will be open through Dec. 14, providing the public an opportunity to prioritize common ideas that emerged during the listening sessions.


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