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Task force seeks input

Posted 9:27 a.m. Friday, Feb. 6, 2015

Trans* Preferred Name and Pronoun Implementation Team readying to create new policy

UW-La Crosse is joining other campuses across the nation to adopt Trans* inclusive practices, such as preferred name and pronoun usage. The use of someone’s legal name instead of their preferred name could be harmful for students, faculty, and staff. The use of their legal name could "out" a trans* individual leaving them feeling unsafe and exposed. These actions do not reflect UW-L's Family Values. This past year a task force was created to address social equity and inclusivity issues on campus for those who identify with Trans* and non-binary identities. The task force includes six committees specializing in specific issues. One of the committees formed focuses on preferred name and pronouns. That committee has begun looking at campus policy and is looking for feedback. The Preferred Name and Pronouns Committee will be reviewing organizations, offices, and departments that use databases, programs, processes or systems with student, faculty or staff names. Committee members understand there are special circumstances where a legal name is necessitated by university legal and business requirements. Members are crafting a policy that allows preferred names to be the only name visible to identify students, faculty, and staff. UW-L Preferred Name Policy (Draft) The university recognizes that many of its students, faculty and staff may use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse that any faculty, staff, or student may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first and/or middle name that differs from their legal name. As long as the use of the preferred first and/or middle name is not for the purpose of misrepresentation, it will appear instead of the person’s legal name in university related systems and documents except where the use of the legal name is required by university business or legal need.

The committee seeks information about the following

- What system(s) do you use to search student, faculty or staff?
  • Could your system utilize preferred name as the only name visible when searching a student, faculty or staff member?
  • Can your current system search for preferred name?
- Are there circumstances requiring you to have access to the legal name of students, faculty, or staff? Please explain. - Identify departmental forms or on-line documents where students, faculty, or staff would identify their name (legal or preferred). - How would a preferred name policy affect your office? Programs? To enter responses to the above questions, take the Qualtrics survey at Trans* Preferred Name Survey Responses are requested by Monday, Feb. 16. Refer questions and concerns to: Will Van Roosenbeek at The Preferred Name and Pronoun Committee includes: Richard Allenby, Thalia Fontan, Libby Thorson, Jo Arney, Beth Hill, Larry Ringgenberg, Corey Sjoquist, Michael Taylor, Jan Von Ruden and Will Van Roosenbeek.


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