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Transgender rights lawyer presents on gender issues Nov. 28

Posted 10:59 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011

Owen Daniel-McCarter will present “Transgender 101: Equality, inclusivity and empowerment” 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28, at room 339 Cartwright Center. Daniel-McCarter, a transgender rights lawyer and activist from Chicago, Ill., will discuss issues such as the gender binary, differences between sex and gender, legal issues facing transgender people, medical barriers to care, cross-dressing laws and more. Post-talk, Owen will hold a small closed social with trans-identified individuals in the community in 340 Cartwright Center. He will lead a second talk “Criminal Legal System 101: Gender non-conformity and the law” at 4:30 p.m Tuesday, Nov. 29, in 339 Cartwright Center. Daniel-McCarter will discuss the history of the criminalization of gender non-conformity in he U.S., starting with imperialism and the conquest of indigenous people. He’ll discuss laws that criminalize gender non-conformity and how laws that are uniform on their face are applied in a disproportionate manner.


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