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United Way campaign on campus underway

Posted 11:11 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014

Local business owners Dave Skogen and Don Weber shared why they support the United Way and encouraged others at the All-University Address to do so too.

Did you get an opportunity at the Aug. 27 All-University Address to experience how a donation to the Great Rivers United Way can greatly impact people throughout the area? The short video showed the impact that money raised has on area residents. [caption id="attachment_35901" align="alignleft" width="300"]Photo of Dave Skogen. La Crosse Businessman and UW-L Honorary Graduate Dave Skogen encouraged those attending the chancellor’s All-University Address to “give supporting the United Way some serious consideration.”[/caption] Local business owners Dave Skogen and Don Weber shared why they support the United Way and encouraged others to consider supporting it. “I hope that you give [the idea of] supporting the United Way some serious consideration,” said Skogen of Festival Foods at the Chancellor’s All-University address. “There is a tremendous amount of need in this community,” noted Weber, chief executive officer of Logistics Health Inc. “If it’s spread among all of us, it’s manageable.” He encouraged those who can’t give to consider volunteering. Chancellor Gow said strong giving by university employees could impact the community in a number of ways.  “I would like to see us represented in a future United Way video based on our response,” says UW-L Chancellor Joe Gow. Giving is simple You can give to the United Way by completing the form you received through campus mail, with the online United Way Pledge Form, or at Simply return completed forms to University Communications, 115 Graff Main Hall. Those contributing at any amount will receive a 20 percent discount coupon to the University Bookstore. Also, every $52 pledge equals an entry for gift cards and more from the United Way, with drawings set for Oct. 29, Nov. 20 and Dec. 11. Donations — no matter what the amount — make a difference and are vitally important to 74 funded partner programs from 29 different agencies. Qualifying donations may be targeted to an agency or impact area of choice. You can designate where your donation goes by completing the donor designation on a pledge form. So, donate to help those who need help in the Coulee Region and LIVE UNITED!


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