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University Police raise funds to fight breast cancer in a passionately pink way

Posted 9:10 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012

[caption id="attachment_16180" align="alignleft" width="330" caption="Enjoy donuts and coffee with UW-L Campus Police Wednesday morning, Oct. 24, at the Hoeschler Tower and help raise funds to fight breast cancer. "]Police officer in front of squad car near tower. [/caption] This Wednesday a police car will be adorned in pink near UW-La Crosse’s Hoeschler Tower as University Police join other emergency services around Wisconsin in a statewide movement, Justice For A Cure. The initiative among law enforcement departments and other government agencies aims to raise money and show support for the fight against breast cancer. [caption id="attachment_16183" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Join UW-L Campus Police Officer Dave Pehl and others and wear pink Wednesday, Oct. 24, to increase awareness of and help fight breast cancer. "]Police Officer Dave Pehl with a pink T-shirt.[/caption] UW-L Campus Police Officer Dave Pehl will be decked in pink and selling coffee and doughnuts from 8 - 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, at the clock tower. With the stereotypical policeman snack, he aims to raise money to support early detection, treatment and breast cancer research. Pehl has been involved with the cause for about six years as the fight against breast cancer hits close to home. Pehl lost both his grandmother and aunt to the disease. His mother and sister, along with six cousins are survivors. Earlier this month, Pehl organized a penny war fundraiser in UW-L residence halls. Nine halls raised about $600 for the fight against breast cancer. The winning hall, Wentz, won a free pizza party courtesy of Toppers Pizza. Those interested in donating to the cause can contact Pehl at 785.8000 or stop by the Hoeschler Tower Wednesday. Donations to Justice For a Cure stay in Wisconsin.


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