Posted 5:22 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29, 2021

Regents give nod to roof, elevator replacements at UW-La Crosse
The UW System Board of Regents has approved three major building improvements at UW-La Crosse.
During the special Board of Regents meeting Friday, Jan. 29, Regents forwarded more than $2.1 million in campus improvements at UWL to the State Building Commission. The Commission will meet to discuss the improvements in February.
The UWL projects include:

- $1,640,200 to replace roofs on the Recreational Eagle Center and Wing Technology Center. The flat roof sections of the REC are original to its 1995 construction and due for programmed replacement. The sloped metal roof systems on the REC and attached Child Care building were replaced recently, so the proposed replacement will preserve the remaining of the building. Wing Technology Center, originally constructed in 1956 as a library, was renovated in 2001. The current roofing system is more than 20 years old and needs replacement to deter impending moisture issues.

- $470,00 to replace the elevator at Roger Harring Stadium at Veterans Memorial Field Sports Complex. The project replaces the four-stop, six-story hydraulic elevator with a new, machine room-less traction elevator. The original elevator was poorly designed when the stadium was built in 2008 and has been problematic since. The height of the stadium justified a traction elevator, but with the facility viewed as limited use, a hydraulic elevator was installed. The elevator has experienced a significantly higher number of breakdowns than other elevators on campus, and university staff continue to receive complaints about its slow speed and lack of reliability.
“These projects are important for the university to be able to continue fulfilling its mission of providing high-quality, mind and body experiences on campus,” says Bob Hetzel, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance. “We appreciate the support from the State Building Commission for these crucially needed projects.”