Experience the power of a UWL education through high-impact learning and life-long friendships, all while surrounded by the epic beauty of La Crosse. Follow your path. We’ll show you the way.
You’re part of a group of truly amazing people. At UWL, we are inspired every day by the driven, active and engaged students who make us so proud. That’s right, you’re amazing!
Here in La Crosse, people come together to work for the common good.
At UWL, we live out the Wisconsin idea of public service and community engagement. We are proud to work with our many partners in La Crosse, giving back every day to a community that generously supports our teaching, learning and service mission.
The "La Crosse Experience" stays with you for a lifetime.
UWL pride stays strong long after graduation! Stay connected with our beautiful campus and the faculty and friends who made your "La Crosse Experience" so special.
Experts. Scholars. Public servants. Community members.
UWL consistently delivers a high-quality and life-changing experience. We’re able to do it because of you, our talented and dedicated faculty and staff. You are the reason for our excellence!
The deadline to apply for small grants for projects and for funds to help pay for conference costs is Friday, March 28. Apply now!
Small Grants
Funds for instruction, research and public service projects are available for July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015, through a Foundation Small Grant.
Any member of the university community may apply for a small grant for a wide variety of projects. Grant information, application forms and a list of awards for the 2013 -14 year are available online at www.uwlax.edu/grants/funding_sources/UWF_FSG.htm. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 28.
The Small Grants Program is made possible through donations to the Foundation’s unrestricted fund mainly by alumni, local businesses, matching gifts from companies and other friends of the university. A committee of Foundation representatives and university faculty and academic staff review the applications and make funding recommendations to the Foundation.
Carol Dobrunz Endowment Travel Award
The UW-L Foundation is dedicated to the enhancement of the learning environment and promotion of the university and its mission statement. This fund supports conference costs for non-tenured faculty or instructional academic staff (IAS) without an indefinite appointment. To be eligible, the conference in the application must occur between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
The recipient must meet the following criteria:
must be employed at UW-L with at least a 75 percent appointment;
must be either a non-tenured faculty member or a member of instructional academic staff without an indefinite appointment;
must be attending a national conference within her/his discipline;
may not have previously received this award.
Grant information and the application form are available online at www.uwlax.edu/grants/funding_sources/UWF_CDobrunzEF.htm. Applications are due Friday, March 28.
A committee of Foundation representatives and University faculty and academic staff review the applications and make funding recommendations to the Foundation.
For more information about Small Grants or the Carol Dobrunz Endowment Travel Award, contact Committee Chair Karla Stanek at kstanek@uwlax.edu.