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UW-L history professor receives UW System diversity award

Posted 8:55 a.m. Friday, Jan. 2, 2015

A UW-L professor is being recognized statewide for his work with underrepresented and underprivileged college students.

[caption id="attachment_38274" align="alignleft" width="200"]Image of Victor Macias-Gonzalez lecturing. Victor M. Macías-González[/caption] A UW-La Crosse professor is being recognized statewide for his work with underrepresented and underprivileged college students. Víctor M. Macías-González, a UW-L history professor, will receive a 2015 Board of Regents Diversity Award at the Board of Regents meeting Friday, Feb. 6, in Madison. The Board of Regents makes up to three, $5,000 awards statewide each year to recognize institutional change agents who foster access and success for historically underrepresented populations. “Unlike some people who articulate an interest in or commitment to diversity — Victor has gone beyond that. He has demonstrated his commitment through teaching, research, and leadership of diversity programs. In addition, he has provided leadership in diversity-related initiatives in the broader community ” says Charles Martin-Stanley, UW-L associate dean of Liberal Studies who helped nominate Macías-González. “He not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk.” Macías-González, who received the award in the individual category, was born in the U.S. to Mexican immigrant parents. He started school in the U.S. in the fourth grade with little knowledge of English, but was successful because of support from parents, teachers and mentors, he says. His three sisters also received graduate and professional degrees. Today Macías-González directs a program at UW-L that helps close the achievement gap between under-represented, underprivileged college students and their peers through mentorship. UW-L’s Eagle Mentoring Program identifies promising second-year students and provides them with mentors and opportunities to succeed toward graduation. The program has a high success rate: 96 percent of participants graduate from college. About one third of the students enter graduate or professional school. The award letter applauds Macías-González for his leadership and calls the Eagle Mentoring Program’s success rate “truly impressive.” The Wisconsin State Council on Affirmative Action recognized the program with the Ann Lydecker Educational Diversity Award in 2014. Macías-González developed Eagle Mentoring with Barbara Stewart, associate dean for Campus Climate and Diversity. It is sustained by the UW-L College of Liberal Studies. “It was clear from the nomination materials just how deeply and thoroughly you have committed yourself as an advocate, scholar and leader to serving students from historically underrepresented populations at UW-La Crosse and working to bridge connections between UW-La Crosse and the surrounding community,” says a letter announcing the award from the UW System Board of Regents and the selection committee chair. Since coming to UW-L in 2000, Macías-González has volunteered to assist students from different backgrounds — including LGBT, first-generation and immigrant college students — and works to increase pathways to college. "I am honored to accept this award and am glad to bring attention to the important issue of increasing access to higher education,” says Macías-González. This isn’t the first time someone from UW-L has received the UW System diversity honors. Roger Haro, a UW-L biology professor and director of UW-L’s McNair Scholars Program, received the 2014 Regent’s Diversity Award. Macías-González also received the Wisconsin Professor of the Year Award in November 2013. The award, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, is part of the U.S. Professor of the Year Program, which salutes the most outstanding undergraduate instructors in the country. UW-L professors have received the Wisconsin Professor of the Year title three of the last four years.


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