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UW-L senior earns ‘Excellence in Promoting International Education’ award

Posted 8:56 p.m. Friday, May 11, 2012

[caption id="attachment_12012" align="alignright" width="500" caption="UW-L Senior Shayue Wang wore a traditional, modern Chinese dress while she demonstrated how to play three traditional Chinese instruments at the Campus Child Center on Friday."]UW-L Senior Shayue Wan[/caption] A UW-L student from China is being honored for sharing her culture in La Crosse. UW-L graduating senior Shayue Wang was awarded the UW-L School of Education: Excellence in Promoting International Education award Friday at UW-L’s Campus Child Center. Wang, who knows how to play seven traditional Chinese instruments, has shared the music of her culture through two public concerts and a performance at UW-L’s International Banquet. She has also given traditional Chinese instrument demonstrations at several schools in the La Crosse School District, along with a demonstration Friday at the Campus Child Center. The children were captivated as the rich, melodic tunes flowed from the instruments: the bottle gourd silk, bawu and xun. Mao Zheng, UW-L faculty member and mother of a five-year-old girl at the center, is originally from China and plans to bring her daughter back home to China to visit over the summer. The two sat together listening intently to Wang on Friday. [caption id="attachment_12015" align="alignleft" width="500" caption="UW-L Senior Shayue Wang plays seven different traditional Chinese instruments"]UW-L Senior Shayue Wang[/caption]“That’s why I’m making the trip this summer — for my daughter to get a global perspective,” says Zheng. “But not many other children have that opportunity. This is really great.” Wang learned to play the bottle gourd silk, made out of a gourd, five years ago while living in China. The other two instruments she learned more recently. Wang, an economics major, has many artistic talents. She also displayed traditional Chinese paintings in Murphy Library last semester. “I’m very happy to help American students learn more about Chinese culture and music,” says Wang.


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