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UW-L students study more — abroad

Posted 11:22 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012

UW-La Crosse students participate in study abroad activities more on average than all other students who took the National Survey of Student Engagement. At UW-L, 22 percent of seniors have participated in study abroad opportunities compared with 17 percent of seniors a UW system comprehensives, 11 percent at peer schools and 15 percent  at all schools who took the NSSE. Each academic year about 450 UW-L students study abroad. Programs range from short-term experiences of 7 to 10 days to full-academic year programs. Learn more about destinations. “I think that UW-L students study abroad in large part because the faculty are so supportive of such an experience,” says Jason Kouba, UW-L assistant director for Study Abroad. Learn more about study abroad opportunities. “Everyone should do it. It will change your life,” says Kouba.

About NSSE

In spring 2011 about 2.1 million students at more than 750 colleges and universities nationwide were invited to report their college experience in the National Survey of Student Engagement. At UW-L it was sent online to about 2,200 first-year students and about 1,800 seniors. About 50 percent of each group responded. Questions measure everything from the level of academic rigor to the supportive nature of the campus environment. Find more details about UW-L's performance on NSSE. Also, stay tuned to the Campus Connection for more results.


UW Comprehensive institutions: Other four-year schools in the UW System excluding the two doctoral research universities — UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee. Carnegie class: (or peer schools) Colleges and universities nationwide classified by the Carnegie system as having a similar mission and focus as UW-L. NSSE 2011:  All schools of all types that completed the 2011 survey.


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