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UW-La Crosse Foundation names new president

Posted 3:15 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013

Mary Ann Gerrard has been named UW-La Crosse Foundation’s president and will assume duties Monday, Sept. 9.

[caption id="attachment_25603" align="alignleft" width="134"]Mary Ann Gerrard Mary Ann Gerrard[/caption] The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Foundation has announced it will start the new school year with a new president. Mary Ann Gerrard will assume the duties of the Foundation’s president Monday, Sept. 9. Gerrard will leave her post as Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Legislative Affairs and Development for the UW Colleges and UW Extension to take over the Foundation post. She previously served as Legal Counsel and Director of Government Relations for the 900-member Wisconsin Automobile and Truck Association and as a Deputy Commissioner in the Office of the State Commissioner of Transportation. "Mary Ann's background, experience and professional networks will be tremendous assets for the Foundation and University,” says UW-L Foundation Board Chairman Tom Miskowski who chaired the Foundation’s Selection Committee for the position. ”We are looking forward to having her lead the Foundation." Gerrard received a bachelor of arts in American history from the College of New Rochelle, N.Y., and a law degree from Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kans. She is a member of the Wisconsin Bar Association. "With an extensive background in legislative relations and law, President Gerrard is well prepared to administer the UW-L Foundation,” says Chancellor Joe Gow. “Collaborating closely with UW-L Assistant Chancellor for University Advancement Greg Reichert, she'll also play an integral role in ensuring the success of our current $15 million scholarship campaign." Gerrard replaces Al Trapp, who retires Sept. 9. The UW-L Foundation promotes the welfare of UW-L through charitable and educational activities that include encouraging, soliciting, receiving, managing and administering gifts from alumni, friends, businesses and other organizations to support scholarships, awards, grants, projects and programs that advance the university’s mission.


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