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UW-L’s Centennial Hall earns state award

Posted 3:44 p.m. Monday, March 5, 2012

UW-L's new academic building, Centennial Hall, is popular and highly utilized by students and staff — it’s also award-winning.

[caption id="attachment_10326" align="alignnone" width="770" caption="UW-L's Centennial Hall architects will receive the 2011 Department of State Facilities Best Project Award March 21 in Madison. "]Photo of Centennial Hall.[/caption]   UW-L's new academic building, Centennial Hall, is popular and highly utilized by students and staff — it’s also award-winning. The Wisconsin Department of Administration will give the building’s designer, River Architects of La Crosse, the 2011 Department of State Facilities Best Project Award. The honor recognizes the firm for its outstanding work as part of the design team for the $40-million project. “We’re honored that the Department of State Facilities is recognizing this state-of-the-art academic building,” says Chancellor Joe Gow. “This award helps to solidify the building as the heart and soul of our academic programs during the university’s second century.” Gov. Scott Walker will present the award during a State Building Commission meeting Wednesday, March 21, in Madison. Centennial Hall, which opened in August 2011, is the university’s largest academic building on campus. It’s expected to receive at least a silver rating for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), given for features to save annual operating costs and conserve energy. The hall is the first built predominantly with state funding on campus since 1974 when Wimberly Hall was constructed.


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