Posted 11:31 a.m. Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

Test includes three 45-minute sessions on campus
Researchers at UW-La Crosse are looking for area residents to take part in a fitness walking test.
Those between the ages of 18 and 65 are sought for research evaluating perceived exertion during the Rockport Fitness Walking Test.
A UWL graduate student in the Exercise and Sport Science Department is looking for healthy adults who have participated in a structured exercise program less than three days per week for the past three months. Participants must be able to perform a maximal walking test and walk for a timed, one-mile walk on two separate sessions without chest pain, shortness of breath, or pain in their back, legs or neck.
Participants must attend three, 45-minute sessions on campus — one 45-minute session to complete a maximal walking test and two 45-minute sessions to complete two separate one-mile walks. Those who complete the study will receive $40.
UWL Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist Kim Radtke, who is directing the study, says the research will evaluate the use of Terminal Rating of Perceived Exertion during the Rockport Fitness Walking Test to predict VO2max and Ventilatory Threshold.
“Submaximal assessments, such as the Rockport Fitness Walking Test, are commonly used to predict cardiorespiratory fitness levels in older community dwelling adults,” explains Radtke. “Recent studies have suggested using subjective rating of perceived exertion may be a more accurate method for predicting aerobic fitness compared to using an individual’s heart rate. This study will provide important information for clinicians who prescribe exercise in the populations we serve.”
For more information or to participate, contact Duresa Kumbi at or 608.785.8683.