Posted 4:01 p.m. Thursday, April 13, 2023

New set of mental health and wellness resources is available for UWL students
As we enter the last few weeks of the semester, Wellness & Health Advocacy and the Counseling and Testing Center are thrilled to have introduced a new set of mental health and wellness resources for UWL students: YOU@UWL and Mantra Health.
All students have received the announcement below regarding YOU@UWL, a personalized well-being platform that directs students toward campus-based and online resources to promote academic and career success, purpose and connection, and physical and mental well-being. YOU@UWL serves as a digital “front-door” for wellness, connecting students to the right resources at the right time.
In addition to YOU@UWL, students now have access to mental health crisis, support, and treatment resources that expand on the mental health services provided at UWL's Counseling & Testing Center. These resources are in place through the Spring 2025 semester.
Mantra Health – Telecounseling and telepsychiatry services that will serve as a supplement to, and coordinate with, campus-based counseling and psychiatry services.
UW Mental Health Support 24/7 – phone, text, and chat services with trained counselors, available 24/7. This service can be used for general support as well as crisis.
We invite you to check out YOU@UWL, where you can sign-up as faculty/staff and explore the available resources. If you are interested in learning more about these services, our partners at Mantra Health have recorded a webinar, available here: Mantra Health Program Awareness (Passcode: w3^1Kn@?)
For more information about CTC services, UW Mental Health Support 24/7, or Mantra Health, please contact Dr. Crystal Champion, CTC Director, For more information about YOU@UWL, please contact Issy Beach, Student Wellness Coordinator,
This email was sent to all UWL faculty and staff from Crystal Champion, CTC director, and Issy Beach, student wellness coordinator.
Original email sent to UWL students about You@UWL.
On behalf of Wellness & Health Advocacy and the Counseling & Testing Center,
UW-La Crosse has partnered with YOU@College to offer a unique and free web portal dedicated to student health, happiness, and success. Whether it’s your first or final year on campus, college life can present many questions and challenges. No matter what you’re up against, YOU@UWL is built to connect you with campus information and resources. Think Google, if Google searched with your campus, personality, and problems in mind.
YOU@UWL was created to mirror the lifestyle of college students and has expertise in three main areas: Succeed (academic and career), Thrive (physical and mental well-being), and Matter (purpose and connection). YOU@UWL can help you assess and improve your health while getting started on the journey of a healthy and happy college career!
Visit YOU@UWL and log in with your UWL NetID to get started today!