Support services
A page within University Police Department
The UW-La Crosse Police Department maintains a Dispatch Center on campus that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Dispatchers answer all emergency and non-emergency police phone lines along with the general information line into campus. The dispatch walkup window is in the Police Services building and is available during these times.
UWLPD dispatchers monitor all alarms and notification systems crucial to the security of the campus community. They prioritize and manage multiple tasks all while coordinating internal and external communications. Dispatchers work closely with the University Police Officers to maintain safety for our campus, students, and employees.
- Law Enforce Disp Supervisor
- Police Services
- 608.785.8002
- Police Dispatcher II
- Police Services
- 608.789.9000
- Police Dispatcher
- Police Services
Specialty areas:
Law Enforcement, and public safety
- Police Dispatcher
- Police Services
- 608.789.9000
- Police Dispatcher
- Police Services